how many plants per 600 watt? 6? 9? 16?

Hey, I was talking to a good amount of different people online and at the local clinics about how many plants I could flower under two 600 watt HPS/MH lights in a 4x8 tent using soil and it's all going to be organic.

I orginally was planning on doing 9 plants per 600 watt and flower at about a foot and a half. Then someone told me that that would be difficult and to flower once the plant is at a foot height with that amount of plants.
THEN, I was talking to someone about how many plants if I flowered at 1 foot and he recommended 16 per light at 1 square foot each, and if I did 9 to flower at one and a half and said it would be just enough for about and oz to 2 oz per plant. Now i feel like if I flowered nine plants at about a foot and a half they would get pretty damn big after 6 weeks of vegging and all the flowering so i don't know if he was correct, but he grows so i trust him

So if I am able to do 16, would flowering them at a foot be alright? and if I have to do 9 what would your opinion be on flowering height-wise?

I know if I do 6 it's 100 watts per plant and thats recommended but I wanted to do 9 or 16 if possible just because I don't want a lesser amount of big yielding plants, I want a bigger amount of tiny yielding plants. So if you have any more ideas please let me know as i really want to start this grow soon as I have everything ready except the plant arrangement size wize.

keep em growin so i can keep on tokin


Well-Known Member
More plants you add, the less height the plants ill have. So its up to you S.O.G. Or regular tall plants. I like both methods.
OK I know that that's the basic equation, but my question was more how many plants per light because I don't know the ratio very well so some people have said that 16 plants per light is not good but others say perfectly fine and i was wondering if there was a finite way to find out if it was alright to do 16 plants in a 4x4 area. thank you for your reply


depends on how long you veg, 16 is ok for 4x4 if you only veg 1-2 weeks or 4 plants if you want to veg for 8-9 weeks
Yeah, but if I did 16 plants and less height and veg time would I still get the same amount or near as if I did 6 bigger plants? you know all the 16 combined?


Well-Known Member
its going to depend a lot on your strain you settle on. do you plan on running all 16 plants of the same strain or trying to flower diferent strains in the same area? youll have no problem running 16 indica dominant plants in a 4x4 area, i use rose buckets that are 11"x11" roughly and they fit perfectly in my tent. the only problem i have is the 4 plants in the corners tend to be weaker.
Yeah, I plan on using at least 80/20 indica dominant strains and there will be three different strains with ten plants each about. I figured It would work but with just less bud per plant and more plants. I might be sacrificing 4 good 4oz plants for 16 1 oz plants but I hope to get around the same amount because I wanted to try that this time and maybe bigger plants next time when i've tried this


Well-Known Member
lovemug is right about the strain.I grow an indica dominant strain in a 2'x4' box in ebb and flow with a 600w hps and i do 12 at a time.They all seem to grow the same unless one happens to get a poor start which happens because of me.My plants are crowded a little but deffinatly have the sog going.The number of plants is up to you.different people with different strains in different grow rooms get different results.i know you want the most out of your plants but im afraid your going to have to do a little trial and error,cause everyone here is going to tell you something different.what is good for them isnt neccasarily good for you.I found this out the hard way,and with every different strain, i have to start from square one to see how many will fit
yeah that's about what I figured, I kind of just have to try it. And yeah I should be good with indica dominant strains using LST also and somebody suggested a screen.

ski guy

It's a lot easier to take care of 8 girls than 16...I have 2 600 wt. w/4-6 plants per light w/5 gallon smart pots...5weeks of veg then 12-12 ...You're area will be more than full. Good luck with your grow!!! Peace


Well-Known Member
when you find a good strain you will get alot more than an ounce each. im consitantly pulling atleast 2 ounces off each of my exile girls in a 4x4 with 8 of them being exile, this last grow i had some Tangering Dream (complete shit genetics for growing) and western wind (almost pure sativa) in with them and still got a great yeild. with the sativas my light was way to high.

I just poped some serious seeds white russian to start a rotating grow with them. plan to harvest 4 plants every 2 weeks give or take a day or two. Im hopeing this works better than doing big grows and harvesting all at once, it really sucks those last few weeks sitting on mayby a half ounce to smoke praying your plants get done in time of you running out.
Alright, I think I'm gonna go with 9, but I'm considering 6 or even 4 because more people are turning me in that direction because of quality and how out of control it might get. so thank you for all your help RIUs and i hope to start my journal soon


Well-Known Member
Alright, I think I'm gonna go with 9, but I'm considering 6 or even 4 because more people are turning me in that direction because of quality and how out of control it might get. so thank you for all your help RIUs and i hope to start my journal soon
less can certainly mean more..............


I have gone up to 4...but prefer 2, in five gallon buckets under 600w. Yields are normally 4 to 6 ounces per plant in my system.


Alright, I think I'm gonna go with 9, but I'm considering 6 or even 4 because more people are turning me in that direction because of quality and how out of control it might get. so thank you for all your help RIUs and i hope to start my journal soon
Im in a small area (2x3ft). For me...2 plants are optimum since I do a modified sea of green type of tie down. The pic is 2 plants, 1 week into flower. Leftside is northern lights crossed with blackberry kush...rightside is afghan and...I forget. 2011-07-15_15-15-41_902.jpg
hope to see some pics of your set up! Good luck!!


Well-Known Member
I'm here to say that trial and error for your own space is one of the best ways to find out how many u can grow per light. i myself have seen that (2) 600 watt lights with 6 per light was a wonderful harvest. but experimenting cant hurt either. i have even tried 16 per light all in 1gals. plants about 1ft and 1/2.. nice buds too.... soo just play around with your space and lighting...
