how many plants should i grow?

magilla gorilla

Well-Known Member
hey i was just wondering how many plants of this size i could grow under each 600 HPS, grown hydro:


also what sort of yield would i expect from plants this size.


How much space do you have available width depth and height. Plus with the 600w hps what other equipment are you going to buy ... can fans clips fans ???

magilla gorilla

Well-Known Member
i have more than 2m height and a shit load of area. i'll have fans moving air around the grow room and also an inline fan taking air out.


How big (cfm) is your inline fan plus how big do you want to make your space width depth it helps me with the math for every thing else

magilla gorilla

Well-Known Member
haven't got the fan yet.. don't really see how it matters.. it'll be easily big enough to vent the whole room, the room is about 2.5m x 5m


ok Big room.... so you will need to look at the weather that your area normaly has when you want to grow or if you want to grow year round. Veg you have to keep humidity at about 65 to 75 % and you have to keep temp under 85 F... Flower is going to be 45 to 50 % humidity with same temp 85 F max. How far off from those numbers is your weather wher eyou are at winter and summer???


Active Member
Those plants r a bit streched. It all depends on how long you veg for. 15 to 20 plnts if they r 8 to 12 inchs going into flowering. Depends on your resourses and time. Average for 600hps for meduim exp. in growin 1/2 to 3/4 lb. per

magilla gorilla

Well-Known Member
my weather conditions will be controlled by A/C and also if you read my first post i said how many of that size...and i think its stretched coz once i found out it was male i just chucked it outside under the early winter sun.. gets very little direct sunlight.. but i don't care because it has balls :(