how many plants under 400w hps?


Active Member
i wanted ur opinion on how many 3 ft plants wud u put under a 400 w hps?i have some plants that dont have a lot of side their not that wide.i know really thick ones u cud only do 4 max..but wat if their not?cud u put more in..they r tall..but like i said..not alot of side many wud u put under?


Well-Known Member
i wanted ur opinion on how many 3 ft plants wud u put under a 400 w hps?i have some plants that dont have a lot of side their not that wide.i know really thick ones u cud only do 4 max..but wat if their not?cud u put more in..they r tall..but like i said..not alot of side many wud u put under?
Depends. You could do 6 in 1 gallons and run a trellis. Or 2-3 in 3 gallons. I only have 3 under a 1000, but they're in 15 gallon containers and are 5 feet tall. Remember when you place them in flower they will "stretch"..


Well-Known Member
You could go up to 9 under a 400 w hps ( a meter squared using maxipots) works great for me :o)


Active Member
Depends on your pot size. I think you could do 6 in 3 gallon pots, although it depends on the size of your reflector. If you have a small reflector probably just 3. Or you could bump the pot size down and fit more under there. Better to grow more plants I think... Mayeb just stick with 1 or 2 gallon pots and cram as many as you can fit under there.


It does depend on reflector. I have 4 under a euro cool hood (from HTGSupply) that that is about max. I keep the light about 6 inches away.


Active Member
Depends on your pot size. I think you could do 6 in 3 gallon pots, although it depends on the size of your reflector. If you have a small reflector probably just 3. Or you could bump the pot size down and fit more under there. Better to grow more plants I think... Mayeb just stick with 1 or 2 gallon pots and cram as many as you can fit under there.
I have a good refector it spreds light up to 4x4 feet!I've got 8 right now!I cud prob go 1 more!


Well-Known Member
this anwser is going to vary so much. on the low side 1 monster plant, like a mother plant. on the other side, clones on an ebb n flow table. i use clones in dwc and put 18 of them under each light, but im after time and yield.


Well-Known Member
I was getting avg. qp out of 4-7 plants under the 400w. just keep them small 2-3 foot anything over that is a waste of time with a 400w. 4 is a good number to work with. A cooltube works wonders with a 400w. you can keep the light closer to the tops= stronger light getting to the plant.


Well-Known Member
now before that i used to grow 3' plants because of all the crap i read about letting them go to 30cm before flower. when i did this i fit 5. i did not like this as i use dwc and they were too crowded leaving the bottom under developed. with ww they bush in veg, so if you have 3' ww, they would be huge. if your going for more sativa and grow something like hindu kush, its leafy, but compact so you can fit more.


4 sweet tooth under 400w in 3 gal grow bags. They are around 15 to 18 inches. As you can see the hood just covers the plants. I bigger hood may help with more plants.

ive got 15 in 2g smartpots in a 3.5x2 at 2ft. i prune anything under 1.5ft and anything that is shading bud sites. use a cooltube with the light about 3 inches away. i did just a few g's over 13oz last round with gdp. its tight but it works and produces.


Active Member
my first time using a 400w and i have 3 Big plants in 5 gallon pots. my hood can barely cover the canopy and i have to squish them together kind of. although i trimmed up the bottoms they are still looking under-developed. i would recommend more smaller plants, as that is what i am going to do next time. i would do at least 6 in 2-3 gallon bags and up to 12 if you can fit. maybe consider making one large bed and filling it with as many clones as you can. this will maximize your floor space better than pots. i would also recommend light lst and lollipopping to make and keep only 2-3 kola branches per plant


Well-Known Member
in my opinion, dont bother with 3' plants. grow a very large one or a ton of 1.5' clones. i switched to clones cause the light doesnt get down past a foot of the canopy. the big "tree" (thank you otheryoda), is the mother of the clones. lets put it this way- i got .5-1oz a plant with three foot plant and a shit ton of popcorn. with the clones i get .75-1.5oz with no popcorn and alot easier trimming. idk what im gonna do with the mom, shes still in veg lol.