how many plants under hps 600w


Active Member
Hi just wanted to know the best outcome of having plants- under hps 600w how many i have 10 under 2xhps 600watts is that ok and would i give me better yeild of 2 rather then 1 thanks


Well-Known Member
Im putting 120 under 2 600s...maby 3
Well 120 is going to be a bitch cloning that much not to mention clonex cost and #nodes/plant is important too im thinking of 16-5 per 600watt would be an efficient range im going to try 16/16sqft 5 weeks veg with lst and topping, plus are you flowering in red solos? Im jc


Active Member
Well 120 is going to be a bitch cloning that much not to mention clonex cost and #nodes/plant is important too im thinking of 16-5 per 600watt would be an efficient range im going to try 16/16sqft 5 weeks veg with lst and topping, plus are you flowering in red solos? Im jc
my room size is H 14ft W13ft L10ft i have 10x lemon 3weeks into veg under 2x 600w hps and coco premix would i get a goodyeild


Active Member
I just finnished 8 under 2 600s and was fine got a good crop but never filled the full space so 12 this time for me think it depends on your space and veg time bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Hi just wanted to know the best outcome of having plants- under hps 600w how many i have 10 under 2xhps 600watts is that ok and would i give me better yeild of 2 rather then 1 thanks
dropped 5 skunk 1 seeds in a cup of water and in less than 5 weeks I put the best 4 plants in flower and 3 weeks into flower 12/12 they have filled the room (grown in soil under a single 600w hps ) amout of plants is also down to the room size 4ft x 8ft room would get better results from 18 plants with a shorter veg, topped once or 6 plants with a longer veg topped a couple of times
in a room 3ft x 7ft may give you a little less yeild but the buds are a lot bigger
and you need less plants/canopy

Thats the way I like to grow 3ft x 3ft room
600w hps 12" above the plants with air cooled hood so I get very large, high qualty buds :)


Active Member
dropped 5 skunk 1 seeds in a cup of water and in less than 5 weeks I put the best 4 plants in flower and 3 weeks into flower 12/12 they have filled the room (grown in soil under a single 600w hps ) amout of plants is also down to the room size 4ft x 8ft room would get better results from 18 plants with a shorter veg, topped once or 6 plants with a longer veg topped a couple of times
in a room 3ft x 7ft may give you a little less yeild but the buds are a lot bigger
and you need less plants/canopy

Thats the way I like to grow 3ft x 3ft room
600w hps 12" above the plants with air cooled hood so I get very large, high qualty buds :)
Do mine look ok 3weeks into veg ???



Active Member
They look fine from what a can see bro not the best pic but lol it's up to you if you want to flip a only veg for 1/2weeks under my big lights then flip so just depends on you and the space/height you have :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
16 plant lazy sog with 600 hps in a meter squared. One gallon coco pots, fat clones veged 4-8 days, 6" to 8" tall when flipped 12/12. 1 to 1.25 zips per plant with the right strain and experience... ;)


Well-Known Member
16 plant lazy sog with 600 hps in a meter squared. One gallon coco pots, fat clones veged 4-8 days, 6" to 8" tall when flipped 12/12. 1 to 1.25 zips per plant with the right strain and experience... ;)
Im thinking about doing the same but i was going to veg the clones for 4 weeks in a 4x2 tent and switching 2 out a week perpetually to the 4x4, do you think they'd be to big to flower 1 per sqft by with lst or would i be able to expect like 1.25-1.5 zips (considering same experience)?


Well-Known Member
A 4 week veg from clones will give you some monster bushes bro. What is the Sat/indica mix on your clones and have you grow it out before? A square foot may fit that size plant but when you flip 12/12 they can and will bolt, explode, stretch in a good environment. Also are you running a 600 hps in the 4' by 4'? What strain are you running?

One of the reasons I grow the way I do is I get all solid, dense, greasy nugs with less trimming and no laft popcorn to mess with. But there are many ways to skin this cat... :)


Well-Known Member
A 4 week veg from clones will give you some monster bushes bro. What is the Sat/indica mix on your clones and have you grow it out before? A square foot may fit that size plant but when you flip 12/12 they can and will bolt, explode, stretch in a good environment. Also are you running a 600 hps in the 4' by 4'? What strain are you running?

One of the reasons I grow the way I do is I get all solid, dense, greasy nugs with less trimming and no laft popcorn to mess with. But there are many ways to skin this cat... :)
Thanks for the reply! I'm going to grow Blue Dream for my first 'official' grow the 600 would be in the 4x4 and i was going to use foxfarm ocean forest with their 3 basic nutes and once established buy a dwc bucket and experiment once I'm dialed in, i figure blue dream stretches like 3x so im going to lst to keep them compact and dense(or should i skip training and sog from root?). I suppose 3 weeks might suffice with 250 in a 4x2 with cfls and clones ontop of a 2x1x3 drying diy pvc n panda film tent with 3x2x6 ft for veging giving 1-2sqft for moms, however long it takes for each to flower will really control it because once i harvest 2 plants each week ill rotate from veg