How many pot smokers voted for Obama??

I didnt vote for him and I was appauled as well because he literally laughed it off.

Obama tells people what they want to hear. He is a very scary figure because he takes advantage of people by telling them what they want to hear while doing something else. I found Dick Morris facinating yesterday in an interview. He said that Obama wants all of his / Geitners plans to fail so that he can nationalize the banks and say "well atleast I tried everything."

We need politicians to talk like this:
It would serve our best interests.

HA, I watched this video yesterday. It's beautiful :lol:
It is going to be rough to go through his term if this is par for the course...

I'm an American. I particularly liked that ass-chewing because Gordon Brown is using the same policy as the US to get them out of the recession.

Is that you on a 1098? Drool
Yep. Bought it back in 07 when they first came out. Pic's taken on a local mountain here in SoCal I ride quite a bit.
That bad thing is, there's generally 2 choices, the devil or his boy. Yes there are other parties, but so many robots just vote either dem or repub and they don't even know what their candidates name is.

Do you think Ron Paul is going to give it another whirl?

if he runs for reelection lets not vote for his bitch ass
I love how self centered pot smokers are.

you really think he doesn't have anything more important to do than legalizing or decriminalizing marijuana?

the man said he would stop DEA raids and he did, he can't legalize or even decriminalize because washington will be up his butt. he's playing the cards he was dealt.

and i would much rather have ron paul in there, but we all know thats not happening. so obama was the best choice, because i don't want that dumb whore palin within a mile of the white house, let alone in it.

obama is doing a great job, i don't agree with his bailouts, but whatever. this country has been through worse.

stop whining about him not keeping his word, most politicians don't. he has done something for marijuana polciy though. let him fix the bigger issues first.
I love how self centered pot smokers are.

you really think he doesn't have anything more important to do than legalizing or decriminalizing marijuana?

the man said he would stop DEA raids and he did, he can't legalize or even decriminalize because washington will be up his butt. he's playing the cards he was dealt.

and i would much rather have ron paul in there, but we all know thats not happening. so obama was the best choice, because i don't want that dumb whore palin within a mile of the white house, let alone in it.

obama is doing a great job, i don't agree with his bailouts, but whatever. this country has been through worse.

stop whining about him not keeping his word, most politicians don't. he has done something for marijuana polciy though. let him fix the bigger issues first.

im sorry... what is more important than the number 1 question on voter's minds???

give the people what they want; thats what we hired him for:?
I heard someone voted for them just so they can finally blame all the troubles here on a black man... I thought he was an idiot at first, didn't have a clue he would ultimately be right :lol: :roll:
im a ron paul supporter..i almost didnt vote because i knew obama would win. of course obama laughed at that question. he needs to get his approval rating up. and even though we think there are LOTS of stoners out there. in reality there arent very many of us compared to the non smokers. in the public eye marijuana users are compared to the village drunk. there for taken as a fool. its going to take a revolution of pot smokers to get any president to be in favor of it.
im sorry... what is more important than the number 1 question on voter's minds???

give the people what they want; thats what we hired him for:?

hey i want him to legalize it as well. but thats not how politics works in this country.

he's not going to legalize it, even if he proposed it. congress would shut it down like it has before.

he knows it's a waste of time, but he has taken measures in stopping the DEA from raiding medical marijuana facilities. can you give the guy some credit, has any other president done that? no.

he has said that he respects state laws, and in our country if the states start following a trend in change of laws, then the federal government eventually gives way.

and the people that put marijuana legalization as their number one priority in thier country don't have their priorities in the right place.

i love marijuana, but we have bigger problems to deal with.

a lot of strides are being made in terms of state laws regarding marijuana, and that in it self is great.

i feel as if its almost cool to be "anti authourity" or anti government amongst stoners. if you don't like how the US government is run, move to africa

i swear we as americans complain too damn much, we have it so good in this country.
I don't know if i should say this in here,but i'd be willing to bet money that at some point a racist may ummm shorten his term at some point.
I don't know if i should say this in here,but i'd be willing to bet money that at some point a racist may ummm shorten his term at some point.

i think if that ass.. word were to happen... it wouldnt be race related, and would probably be a black man to do it..... at least thats how i picture it going down:-P
im a ron paul supporter..i almost didnt vote because i knew obama would win. of course obama laughed at that question. he needs to get his approval rating up. and even though we think there are LOTS of stoners out there. in reality there arent very many of us compared to the non smokers. in the public eye marijuana users are compared to the village drunk. there for taken as a fool. its going to take a revolution of pot smokers to get any president to be in favor of it.

exactly, we're not the majority. and everyone knows in order to get shit down in our government. you need a lot of support

there is power in numbers.

but it's not a lost fight, rhode island i think introduced a bill to decriminalize it. and Massachusetts is trying to legalize it just like california.

people need to stop complaining and making obama seem like the worst thing to happen to this country. becuase the worst thing to happen to this country in a long time was the bush administration.

he cant fuck it up more than bush, that guy was a retard.
I think people forget it's still very early in his term and he's got a lot on his plate. Don't get me wrong, all the pretentious snickering in his video was pretty annoying. But I think he's made a decent start at trying to fix a lot of problems. I voted for him, but never expected him to federally legalize marijuana (Although it makes obvious sense too) I simply expected him to at least make steps in the right direction (Like stopping the DEA from raids on totally honest and legit dispensaries, or even acknowledging this subject...more than his predecessors) I feel on a personal level that this is an important subject...however, on a national or international level, I believe there are a lot more problems that should be higher on his priority list. I'm just being realisitic about the situation. I'm not happy about it, but I'm understanding.
And i'm sorry,but when you print 50% of the economy in iou money i can't imagine its gonna do much for the worth of the dollar.Plus china is considering dropping the dollar which is really going to screw us.I can see it now working for 5 dollars a day in a homeland chinese sweat shop.
exactly, we're not the majority. and everyone knows in order to get shit down in our government. you need a lot of support

there is power in numbers.

but it's not a lost fight, rhode island i think introduced a bill to decriminalize it. and Massachusetts is trying to legalize it just like california.

people need to stop complaining and making obama seem like the worst thing to happen to this country. becuase the worst thing to happen to this country in a long time was the bush administration.

he cant fuck it up more than bush, that guy was a retard.

Complaining, people have a right to complain. They are being thrown in jail for a plant. I've seen/read several articles/videos where obama said he would decriminalze weed. This is NOT my number one issue, but if I was going to jail it would be.

BTW, I agree, Bush was a total fucktard and he needed to go in the worst way.
And i'm sorry,but when you print 50% of the economy in iou money i can't imagine its gonna do much for the worth of the dollar.Plus china is considering dropping the dollar which is really going to screw us.I can see it now working for 5 dollars a day in a homeland chinese sweat shop.

i wonder how long it will take before the dollar = a peso
i don't know hes already spent more money in 60 some days than Bush did in 8 years.

ooo please, don't give me that.

when obama invades a foreign country, on the premise of them havin terrorist ties and wmds, and it turns out neither are true.

then we can compare the two

and obama is spending all of this money trying to fix what bush and his easy going business regulations did to wall street. so yeah that's goin to cost us.

i don't agre with the bailouts, but who cares. obama is still handling the situation and i'm pretty sure he's going to do a good job.

look at the plate he was handed, when bush came into office there was a surplus that was left for him, ( by a democrat of course) because democrats are usually good with theirr spending, you noticed whenever there are republicans in office e always have deficits?

i understand youre an obama hater, but theres certain things you can't take from the man. hes doing a decent job, and i couldnt say that for bush
I think people forget it's still very early in his term and he's got a lot on his plate. Don't get me wrong, all the pretentious snickering in his video was pretty annoying. But I think he's made a decent start at trying to fix a lot of problems. I voted for him, but never expected him to federally legalize marijuana (Although it makes obvious sense too) I simply expected him to at least make steps in the right direction (Like stopping the DEA from raids on totally honest and legit dispensaries, or even acknowledging this subject...more than his predecessors) I feel on a personal level that this is an important subject...however, on a national or international level, I believe there are a lot more problems that should be higher on his priority list. I'm just being realisitic about the situation. I'm not happy about it, but I'm understanding.

agreed, a lot of pot smokers can't fathom the idea that there are bigger things to worry about than marijuana lol