How many RIUpocalypse have you lived thru?

I liked Stonerhaven. They were nice. A little too nice for my depraved needs though.

Every weed site I was on with more than10 posts shut the fuck down. I'm not sure if it was me or what?

And I got thrown off another. I really don't know why. I wasn't logged in for a few months and I disappeared when I tried to log in. So I went back as a sock to see what happened and that disappeared in 2 days. I think they formed a closed cult or something. You can't read any forums without being a member and membership must be closed.

Not much to see there anyway. They all still flush.
It's what brought me back here too! Stonerhaven is gone. Puregro1 lost the domain name.
Oh well... Penis!

Read on another thread you had some mites in the grow room?, me too: at least until the other day.
Then a jumping spider somehow got in, I love these mini tarantulas.
Mites, gnats, aphids, anything that moves gone in a day or 2; 1 spider wipes out an entire infestation.
Now if only I could catch them outdoors, damn things are elusive and super quick; with 4 eyes.!
Hope you are well,
Read on another thread you had some mites in the grow room?, me too: at least until the other day.
Then a jumping spider somehow got in, I love these mini tarantulas.
Mites, gnats, aphids, anything that moves gone in a day or 2; 1 spider wipes out an entire infestation.
Now if only I could catch them outdoors, damn things are elusive and super quick; with 4 eyes.!
Hope you are well,

Yup, key word, HAD. Mighty wash works like a charm. Send me a couple spiders, dude!...

I'm well. I think there's a game tonight, and I'm thinking your team is gonna take it!

Any closer to the mountains? Montana still calling?

Yup, key word, HAD. Mighty wash works like a charm. Send me a couple spiders, dude!...

I'm well. I think there's a game tonight, and I'm thinking your team is gonna take it!

Any closer to the mountains? Montana still calling?

With snow on the ground already in Montana, Riviera Nayarit Mexico is more inviting.
Much cheaper, and warmer come January; and there's big blue shrimp swimming in mole sauce to be consumed!.
I looked online to see if one could purchase jumping spiders, nope!
Someone needs to, as they are infinitely more effective than ladybugs; which I once tried.
Felt bad for ya' last Spring, those Cups are hard to come by.
Both our teams off to slow starts, enjoy the game tonight.