how many seeds


New Member
If i let a idk lets say 2' plant get pollinated

How many seeds on avg would it produce?
on avg what percent of those seeds would be viable?


New Member
Males? You mean females.

I guess saying 1 ft isnt very good since there could be multiple budsites.

How many seeds on avg can a female get?


New Member
Wtf are you talking about.

I asked if i pollinate a female whats the avg amount of seeds my female will get.

I have no fucking clue what your talking about. And if you look at the ling in my sig and go thruall the pages you can see i grow great. So yeah...


Well-Known Member
Hey bro, depending on how much of plant you pollinate and for how long, when you pollinate it and how tall your plant is, you could get anywhere from 50-150 seeds

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
many factors will determine how many seeds and how many will be viable. the genetics of both male and female along with how many bud sites you either pollinate by hand or the whole plant. if you do just a few budsites you can end up with hundreds of seeds and if you grow the plant to maturity there is a good chance of a very high percentage of those seeds being viable.

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
Well done people, thanks for picking up my miss-type.

Did that make you feel really clever?
Go on, have a gold star.


Active Member
Im gna agree with the 50-150 idea. I revegged and seeded the shit outta one of mine. Got probably around 130 beans or so. Nice big brown ones. No bud to smoke, musta been a male. lmfao!! I luv typos! Earlier pollination leads to more beans me thinks. Hard water? Oh man thats great.