how many sudafed pills to make 1 g of meth?

Sorry if I offended you. That wasn't my intention.

But, methamphetamine is so easy to source that you might as well purchase it from a dealer than produce yourself.

The only reason why someone would resort to the manufacture of an illicit substance is because they want a pure product and consider chemistry a hobby. If you're doing it for any other reason then that person is an idiot.

You wont be a baller by selling shake n bake meth. No one would buy that garbage when you have a ton of entantio-pure RC stimulants on the market.
That's where you are wrong. I don't touch the stuff myself I actuwlly can't stand meth it's nasty. But people in my area love shake and bake. I see people pay 120 150 a gram for that crap, so to say no one does shake and bake is completely false
Not to mention tweaker are not the brightest bulbs around n most of the ones I've met or seen have little knowledge of any rcs or darknet at all
That's where you are wrong. I don't touch the stuff myself I actuwlly can't stand meth it's nasty. But people in my area love shake and bake. I see people pay 120 150 a gram for that crap, so to say no one does shake and bake is completely false

I guess it's a regional thing. But, an educated methhead who knows what quality is would spit on the stuff.

Yes, I am aware you don't indulge in the 'glass dick' pipe dreams. I'm just speaking in general.

The high you'll get from well preparated meth and shake n bake is a worlds of difference. Still, ,can't believe this thread is 7 pages and going.

A simple google search would expose this topic in one sentence. For god sakes, let's move on.