how many (watts) clf's.12/12 from seed grow


Well-Known Member
Yes I have but from the way Josh is talking it sounds like he wont be able to get anything like T-5 HO's, they are expensive as hell compared to CFLs but alot more efficient than CFLs and alot brighter. Now t12 flourescents are cheaper but the ballast gets so hot. Also Josh if I were you and you could get a space like 18" W 18" L 30" H, I really do reccomend a scrog grow you can put so many plants in a tight space with a scrog grow. Also if you want to use flourescent tubes they work real good for side lighting but you would have to increase demensions from 18" W 18"L
to 24" W 24" L or so.


Well-Known Member
check out my sig bro, first one is 4 clones i have in a lil veg box I gotta LST them because of ht issues, got 2-42 watt cfls clones are about 7-8 weeks old not very big at all but lots of growth