Dude do you live in the exact same building as me? They literally did the exact same thing here..
They HAVE to give us at least 24 hours notice to enter our apartment, and without their permission they can NOT enter under any circumstances, unless the place is on fire or flooding of course. It's in our lease as well. Thank god for Canada
My AC is also not set on during the wintertime, only our heating system. But they both use the same system, they just can't have both AC and heating switched on all the time. Sept-June our Heating is on, and the other months our AC is on.
LMAO I see i'm not the only one heh.
No, I definately don't live in Canada but I do live on earth.
Did you have a lock on the door? any Problems?
I was running AC during the summer but its gettin cooler now and shouldn't need anything except Co2. I will save some money in the winter as it's very moderate to semi cold, and the plants will be at a good temp.
thanx 4 tha input Temperamental69, hope you have a peaceful grow.
Reefer Rick:
Does the Apt Manager really check the meters you think? I thought only the electric co did, and that they might be able to monitor data for evidence of 12/12 cycle. ...breath, Breath......
Also southpaw:
If they can't tell on combined usage meters, then how do they bill them?
Thanks all an any1 I 4got

All Medicinal Stoners Unite!!
The funny thing is that im a legal medicinal personal grower and shouldnt worry, but I'm so used to seeing people screwed by the law, that I felt I need to worry anyways.