How many weeks should i flower for?????


Well-Known Member
What strain are you growing? Different strains take different amounts of time to flower.
The optimal time to harvest marijuana plants is when THC production has reached its maximum. A rough guide as to when to harvest is to wait until 50%-80% of the white pistils (hairs) have turned dark (usually brown or red). But a better method of determining when to harvest is to wait until certain trichomes on the plant have matured.
You can also examine the trichomes. They start off clear, then milky white before going amber.
You need to harvest when about 50% of these trichs are amber.

Good luck.

Pimpy Longstocking

Active Member
as long as it takes... some strains take longer than others. Look for about 80% of the hairs to turn dark and keep your eye on the trichomes. People like to harvest at different stages but I prefer to allow 2/3 of the trichomes to turn from milky to amber.


Well-Known Member
Why, yes, I believe he did... Then he got his answer and logged off without typing a word...
Last favor I do for him!


Well-Known Member
Yea! We'll go all mad and light your house on fire! GRRRRRR

Welcome to my world...

monty Python

Active Member
Did you really have to start a thread to ask this?... jeez, i thought some of my noob quetions were bad.

How many weeks should i read up on growing before i plant a seed is a better question.