How much air movement?


Active Member
I just got my clones planted in in my room and my fans all set up. I bought this little tower fan to create air movement inside of my cab, but I'm not sure if it is too much for the little plants. It looks to me like some of the little ones are getting whipped around too much. What do you guys think?

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Well-Known Member
It will make them stronger, as long as its not too strong and cause wind burn.
Little plants are fine just having a nice breeze that makes their leaves flap around a bit, no need for a hurricane.


Active Member
Thanks guys. What does wind burn look like?

Ive got 3 Burkle (bubba x purple urkle) and 3 Tangerine Kush.


Active Member
These clones were planted about 24 hours ago.. They look like they are almost starting to droop and maybe get a little bit of yellow spotting. Is this just normal shock from the transplant?



Active Member
They look ok at the moment let them establish than get em on a feeding schedule, start light.
Thanks Purplekrunchie! How long should I wait to begin feeding them? I picked up the FoxFarm 3-pack this morning. I will obviously start light, probably half-strength or less. I am a little worried about using 100% FFOF soil, because I have heard people say it is too hot for new plants.


Well-Known Member
Ive never used ff soils been thinking about it though, as far as the wait, just make sure they settled into their new homes, im assuming you just transplanted.


Active Member
Yup.. They have been in there just about 36 hours now under 24/0. They look mostly happy I think, but some of the new growth looks a bit yellow and curled. How long should it take before they are "settled"?


Well-Known Member
Yup.. They have been in there just about 36 hours now under 24/0. They look mostly happy I think, but some of the new growth looks a bit yellow and curled. How long should it take before they are "settled"?
Your foliage feeding right? What I like to do is create a little humidity dome over my clones and sometimes seedlings. I spray the plant with water and the inside of a small cup and put it over the plant and put the plant under the light.


Active Member
Your foliage feeding right? What I like to do is create a little humidity dome over my clones and sometimes seedlings. I spray the plant with water and the inside of a small cup and put it over the plant and put the plant under the light.
... No? Should I be foliage feeding? I havent done anything to them except give them a bit of water yesterday. I think they are too small to fit inside of a solo cup. They are about 4-6" high and in 1.5gal pots.

Temps have been 78-80* and humidity has dropped to 32%.


Well-Known Member
... No? Should I be foliage feeding? I havent done anything to them except give them a bit of water yesterday. I think they are too small to fit inside of a solo cup. They are about 4-6" high and in 1.5gal pots.

Temps have been 78-80* and humidity has dropped to 32%.
you have to feed them through their leaves until they get their roots established then you can water them regularly. You can buy a humidity dome at your local hydro store but like I said i just put 16 oz dixie cups over them and spray inside the cup and on the leaves.


Active Member
They have roots in the rockwool they came in.. I will have to get a sprayer tomorrow.. :lol: Thanks!

Chelseys Man

Active Member
during veg i would do it 20/4. 24/0 is just not a very natural light circle. i was doing 24/0 then switched it to 20/4 and they seem to be doing better. i dunno do what you think is best just puttin in my advice.....


Well-Known Member
The air movement looks fine. You should turn your plants daily so other parts of the plant get the direct air. should help.

As for soil. When you see roots go this route on the soil recipe and you will be fine. Actually almost dead leafs will be back to life.....100% success rate on this recipe lately.

Seedling thru 3 wks and clones- 1 gal. OF / 1 gal. light warrior / 1/2 gal. Perlite / 2 tbsp. domalite lime per gal. soil

3 wks. on - 2 gals. OF / 1/2 gal. Perlite / 2 tbsp. domalite lime per gal. soil


Active Member
Its a little late as they are already planted now.. :lol: I feel like a little kid though; I just want to stare at them all day.


Active Member
I am still a little worried about these clones.. Maybe I am just paranoid and need to give them time to get settled, but it looks like every single one looks droopy or has curling leaves.
