How much alcohol do you drink

How much do u drink

  • Daily

    Votes: 9 27.3%
  • Once A Week

    Votes: 8 24.2%
  • Monthly

    Votes: 9 27.3%
  • Never

    Votes: 7 21.2%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I dont get drunk every day but I definitely have a few beers daily.....when I get off work all I want is a cold beer and a blunt....can't help it haha


Well-Known Member
crappy poll. I say rarely. I drank heavily from 21-25 because I'm from Wisconsin and live right here in Madison(#1 drinking University of Wisconsin) For the past few years now since my return to more smoking I drink a 6 pack once every 2-3 months. If I go out to the bars I'm blazed so there's that. I'll have a few beers but not get drunk. I don't really miss it. Drinking has bad side effects like hangovers, acting retarded, memory blackouts, etc etc.

Weed is just so smoooooooth for me. I fucking love it so much.


Well-Known Member
Never, I am allergic i think i always was but while in the marines i drank pretty heavily and it got much worse. i turn purple and red when i drink and i get very hot and just feel like shit

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
So as the title sets it off...

How much alcohol do you drink?

Do you drink daily? once every other day? once a week? monthly?

Be honest
When I see polls asking for personal information I have to wonder if someone may be collecting it.

Does anyone else worry about giving out personal and identifiable information here?


Active Member
I put monthly, maybe a little more than that but it really varies. I say when I drink I am going all out and going to black out alley =) Why just drink one beer? Its like taking a hit and not inhaling. I wanna get fucked up in the process =P


Well-Known Member
When I see polls asking for personal information I have to wonder if someone may be collecting it.

Does anyone else worry about giving out personal and identifiable information here?
how frequently we drink is not identifiable info. if anything it shows how, in many cases, MJ can mitigate the behavior of what would otherwise be an alcoholic.
i fucking know i'd drink every day if it weren't for the reefer-grass-ganja-weed.
alcoholism runs in my family in a BIG way.
i live in a lake.
my name is jojobananas.
i drive a little red wagon.
or sometimes a pumpkin chariot.
i have 8 eyes like a spider and i have 3.14 legs. they help me when i am doing math that involves circles.
collect that info.


it takes me 8-12 beers to get nice depends on the beers