How much and What do you get shipped to your home?

If your paranoid a little, its normal, it'll go away after few grows...

But if you find yourself peeking out the window memorizing what cars are there, its time to stop lol

simply, don't telling anybody and you are the only one that will know.

Nobody knows I grow anymore, nobody.

plus they all want free weed, f*** that
If your paranoid a little, its normal, it'll go away after few grows...

But if you find yourself peeking out the window memorizing what cars are there, its time to stop lol

simply, don't telling anybody and you are the only one that will know.

Nobody knows I grow anymore, nobody.

plus they all want free weed, f*** that

I know every car on my block. I'm not worried about cops, just thugs.
I've always used PO box, but FedEx makes it difficult usually. Only thing I've ever had happen that made me uncomfortable was when FedEx delivered 144 4" rockwool cubes, box was opened, when I opened door, drivers staring at them, just wondering... I made a point to say hello to him a few times I drove by his route lol
Are packages not routinely ex-rayed at customs? Just sayin lol. I have never ordered any seeds online only because I can drive to town to get them. I use the work truck (a fleet of 20) lol. I also get my partner to actually go into the places I need to get canna specific stuff from. His house is clean fyi. IMO paranoid tendencies are a good thing lol. In Canada, with a minimum sentence of 6 months for 5 or more plants it pays to be a bit careful lol, I dont want to be the guy that challenges that in the federal appeals court :(.
I order everything but seeds via Amazon. Seeds from Herbie's. No one cares about some schmoe growing a couple of plants. Good luck! Don't sell, tell, or smell & you'll be fine. I'd eliminate family members first and foremost, after the holy trinity (sell,tell,smell) family members are the next liability. Keep it all to yourself. Amazon's safe afaik.

Agree, Herbies, Amazon.

And if I stood on my tippy-toes I could see Lo-Budget's avatar.

Nobody, in any way shape or form cares what you order from Amazon,or any other online retailer.

Paranoia, leave it at the door.

Seeds are a bit dicier, just don't order a thousand. You might lose a batch but DEA is not going to show up on your door for a small handful.