How much bud do you smoke?

How much do you spend on weed weekly?

  • $0 - $100

    Votes: 19 33.3%
  • $100 - $400

    Votes: 9 15.8%
  • $400+

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • I grow my own the rest of you are suckas!

    Votes: 28 49.1%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Whats up I was just sitting here thinking about how much bud I actually smoke and how much money its worth and when I added it all up it came out to about 24 grams a week, that's a lot compared to anyone else I know. So how much do you guys go through in a week?


Well-Known Member
When I was growing in Alaska, it was an ounce a week...

Now that I am not growing and in college, it's turned into a quarter a week...

Being that the ounces are let go at 250, it's a simply 250 dollars a month to keep me happy and stoned... very good bargain in my opinion!


Well-Known Member
People just give you weed?
more like " Heyyy brooo turns out I don't have any bud to smoke.... its cool if we share right? "
Not saying this is actually shmow :) its just the first thing I thought of

I smoke about a 1/4 ounce a week so about $200 a month


Well-Known Member
3.5g/wk if I'm lucky. How do you guys find time to smoke that much weed? I spend negative zero dollars.


Active Member
I would say my low for a week would be a half o and my high around two ounces, but a normal week would be about an ounce.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
When i grew id generally smoke just over 14grams a week...

Now that im buying it ive had to cut down tremendously, now im blazing up 7 gram's every 7-10 days..