How Much Bud (indoor grow)


I am growing for my first time and I was wondering about how much bud I can expect to harest off of my first 2 plant?
I know there are many factors to consider, so here are some of the specifics on my grow.

Strain- Sadly unknown, but they are sativa
Light- (vegetative growth) 400 watt Metal Halide
(flowering) 1,000 watt H.P.S.
Humidity- (vegetative growth) 50 to 70 percent
(flowering) about 20 percent :wall:

Both rooms are about 4 foot by 4 foot.
The 2 plants the the question refers to have now been in the flowering room for 1 week.
They were grown from seed.
They spent 9 weeks in vegetative growth.
I am using a basic 20-20-20 fertilizer.
I fertilize once a week and water 3 times a week.
They are in 5 gallon grow bags.
The rooms have good air circulation and are kept at about 75 degree's.
Right now the one is 23 inches tall and the other is 26.

Based off of the information above, any rough estimate that could be given about my harvest would be appreciated.

Thanks, and keep on smoking bongsmilie


Active Member
wow, watering 4 times a week seems like a lot to me. i water once maybe twice, depending how thirsty they are. i would guess an ounce or two after youre done


Active Member
I got 2.5 off of some Mystery dank as well, primarily sativa too. In a closet at that. temps and humid were great, vegd for 2months and chopped her at 9weeks. according to the trichs (via microscope) she was ready. CFL's all the way through! My biggest bulb was a couple of 42w (soft 2700k) and a bunch of smaller 26w So Im guessing 2 or more easy. Good luck man


Well-Known Member
Your gonna get guesses from all over the board. There is no possible way to tell how much to expect, especially with bag seed.


I will get some pics on here tomorrow.
Thank you all for your replies. I am hoping for at least 2 ounces per plant. So I think I will be all right.
As for the ferts, I also have hesi and soil tabs. I am doing comparitive growing with the 3 different types. I will also let you all know how that is going in the weeks to come.
The reason for the 1,000 watt light is because I will be putting in 2 more every 2 weeks until my room is full.
As I take plants out of my veg room and put them into flowering I will clone replacements.
I hope to eventually cut down 2 plants every 2 weeks.
The first 2 that I am flowering are the only 2 random ones, I also have 1 caramelicious from amsterdam seeds. (only one was female)
Flowering got put off because off taking clones.
I also have some snow white and white rhino from nirvana, But they are only 5 weeks old yet.
Anyways thank you all for the feed back, and I look forward to spending some time on this site.