HOw much can a400 YIELD ...need ur OPIONION


Well-Known Member
A generic rule of thumb is 1 gram per watt, if ya know what you are doin. Some say they achieve a little more, however, I think most people probably get around half a gram per watt.
Yep! Plus, some people end up with "Zip" cuzz they haven't got a friggin' clue! A 400 watt HID doesn't produce buds, a grower does! A grower's experience is the "Sharpest knife in the drawer"!


Well-Known Member
well i tend to my babies just like everyone else or at least i hope others do like me, so wats up with last question i posted ????bout changing resivoir gonna go get some pics of da ladies on lunch gonna go snapp pics post be right BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
:eyesmoke::joint:k so i m back from lunch and i cant say enough bout these lushes girls there looking good ...if there any thing that you can see would help me out to maximize my harvest,really appreciate the feed back + REP for those willing to donate advise and BUD PORN of ya FEMALES......thanks cowboy ,puffntuff,and others staying with da thread tryin to help a fellow GRower like yourselves,,ty do they look good for inducing on sept 27???????????:roll:



Well-Known Member
10 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!are you on crack and smoking ICE????j/k bout dont think even close to a pound let alone TEN.........okay on a serious note.......using FLORANOVA BLOOM KOOLBLOOM any thing else for girls during flowering....on they right on track with 3 WEEKS 5 DAYS???? would love to SEE some pics of GIRLs about this age flowering or even bout WEEK 5 so i can see what i have to look forward too.


Well-Known Member
yeah havent tried it during flowering but seen a post where this dude was topping and guy told him never to top during flowerin,which i knew but then advised the guy to supercrop instead, but i thought that was only during vegging time??? so ? still up in the AIR HUH
can anyone confirm????


Well-Known Member
When you supercrop it's like us cutting ourselves so I'd think it might make buds above it not as potent but that's just an opinon. That dude is high as hell on the 10 lbs more like 3/4 of a lb


Well-Known Member
NICE THATS WHATS UP IM HOPING TO GET MORE THAN A COUPLE ZIPS OFF THE BIG GIRL SHES REALLY huge how long you think that sativa skunk hybrid will take to flower heard they are usually alot longer they say, my room smells like coffe beans and FRUITLOOPS with a hint of MINT>no LIE fuc n increadible


Well-Known Member
bump, come on guys kepp em coming THE FEMALES in flowering wanna see some 3 week and 5 week flowering!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
keep the flowering girls coming wannna SEE PICS!!!!!!!how many plant can a 400 flower with out sacrificing unhinderd growth


Well-Known Member
hey guys like i said using FLORAbloom and kool bloom what else can i use to make my buds bigger and maximise my yield????


Well-Known Member
just over 11 ounces dry??? how many plants you got under that one 400 what kinda nutes and extras ya use to get that full GANJa FROM WHAT I SEE nice bro


Well-Known Member
5 plants, Advanced Nutrients Bloom A&B, Dr Hornby Big Bud, superthrive, DWC method of Hydroponics. Grown from clones that veg for 1 week and then go into 12/12 for 60-75 days. Strain is Northern Lights.

This is what it looks like when night temps go below 60F.




Well-Known Member
is that good ???not too cold mayby i should do that man das alot of nutes , im using drip system waterfarm, aeroponic dwc misters, in begging used gh then switched to flora NOVA<BLOOM< kool bloom, was looking for floralisious plus but coulddnt find any,, by the loks of the SATIVIA strain i have does it look a lil premature for almost being 4 weeks into flowering or do those just take a little longer` cause my indica strain BLACKJACK look really encruted int THC and flowers look in real good


Well-Known Member
Sativas take much longer. Sometimes double+ the time.

When the cold temps get to the plants it does casue a decrease in overall yield, that second pic only yielded 8 ounces dry.