how much CAN I yeild?


Well-Known Member
If I were to grow 15 plants outdoors, about how much would I expect to yeild?

they wouldnt be in direct sunlight... unfortunatly they have to be under some dense woods, but they will still get enough light under there.


Well-Known Member
ok so this question is impossible to answer their are WAY to many variables that play a part in this, Climate, genetics, sun light, nutrients, anaimal and big dammage gorw season length general competence of the grower. so in Short sorry no one will be able to answer this for you with out ALOT more info

Also you have 350 posts and you are still asking this.....


Well-Known Member
i grew in dense woods once not a good idea my plants got very little sunlight thru the summer because the tree tops it was my first grow the plants only reached about 3 foot and this is a OUTDOOR plant keep in mind. But it did mature except i slipped up it was my first time and didnt get one of the males and the ladys got sexed but the bud was so-so


Well-Known Member
ok so this question is impossible to answer their are WAY to many variables that play a part in this, Climate, genetics, sun light, nutrients, anaimal and big dammage gorw season length general competence of the grower. so in Short sorry no one will be able to answer this for you with out ALOT more info

Also you have 350 posts and you are still asking this.....
Thanks for that smart ass answer bud, I realize all of this.

This is why I asked ABOUT how much I would be expecting.

OK here... a better question I guess would be... how much does the average outdoor plant yeild? THEN! take that number... and do x 15... not rocket science... but thank you.


Well-Known Member
i grew in dense woods once not a good idea my plants got very little sunlight thru the summer because the tree tops it was my first grow the plants only reached about 3 foot and this is a OUTDOOR plant keep in mind. But it did mature except i slipped up it was my first time and didnt get one of the males and the ladys got sexed but the bud was so-so
thank you! this was exactly what I needed to hear, I will keep this in mind when finding a sight to grow.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the stupid question to then i guess ? their is no Average for an outdoor plant their are to many variables. an outdoor plant can range from 1 ounce to several lbs. Also im giving you shit because you should know you can't predict a yield with no info given after 350 posts on these forums