How much decarbed cannabis can get into a cup of oil?

These fit the Levo perfectly. Put one in the work bowl and place the magnetic stirrer on top. Now you don't need the pod and you get larger capacity and greater exposure between the oil and your material. Decarb in a mason jar in the oven. It should have been the original design, works great.
That is a great hack. Did you come up with that?
Good tip, I gotta give this a try. I've been filling 2 pods (half oz) and running it twice through the levo. Still not quite strong enough tho..
I ran 2oz through 8oz of oil ( recycling the mct oil) and 2 gummies are not safe for work lol.
I have a levo
using my Levo II
Levo? Wtf?
Dicer and shnkrmn, how's this work? I read all about it, and still dunno. It decarbs/extracts all in one, right?
So u put oil in glass carafe and nugs in metal can, heat it, then it auto mixes to make extract? What?
And then the web page says that two of the three Levo machines have fans that emit stronger odor, then
the one Levo machine. Also, there's no price I could find on their page, can u say how much it costs?
That is a great hack. Did you come up with that?

I ran 2oz through 8oz of oil ( recycling the mct oil) and 2 gummies are not safe for work lol.
I learned about the hack on a fb page dedicated to Levo owners. Anyone who has used a Levo instantly understands the hack. As I said, the machine should have been designed that way at the start.

Your gummies sound deadly!
I decarb 4 0z of buds and add it to 23 oz of oil. 1 cup of oil makes 72 gummies.

Then I will often decarb kief from the trim bin....and add that to the gummies being made after the oil is infused.

Ardent tested 4 oz into 3 cups of oil and it worked out to about an 80% transfer with Avacado oil, clariefied butter, coconut oil and EVOO
I learned about the hack on a fb page dedicated to Levo owners. Anyone who has used a Levo instantly understands the hack. As I said, the machine should have been designed that way at the start.

Your gummies sound deadly!

Yeah, it's effective. I decarbed in-pod...I don't like to pack 'em and use two of the little silicone spacers at the bottom if each pod. I then finger-crumbled it down to powder after putting the screen and agitator in. Then added the coconut oil and let it infuse for a a handful of hours.
Levo? Wtf?
Dicer and shnkrmn, how's this work? I read all about it, and still dunno. It decarbs/extracts all in one, right?
So u put oil in glass carafe and nugs in metal can, heat it, then it auto mixes to make extract? What?
And then the web page says that two of the three Levo machines have fans that emit stronger odor, then
the one Levo machine. Also, there's no price I could find on their page, can u say how much it costs?
They are 300 on Amazon but prices shift. There is a little odor during the decarb cycle but it's not huge. After the decarb cycle is complete you add your oil and start the infusion cycle. It takes a couple hours then you can dispense the oil into a storage container. People are making cbd body lotions and stuff like that too, as well as edibles. It's a nice.tool
They are 300 on Amazon but prices shift. There is a little odor during the decarb cycle but it's not huge. After the decarb cycle is complete you add your oil and start the infusion cycle. It takes a couple hours then you can dispense the oil into a storage container. People are making cbd body lotions and stuff like that too, as well as edibles. It's a nice.tool

I've also used it for non-cannabis related stuff. I make infused honey (both hot and lavender), and I also have made some herb infused oils, basil/oregano olive oil, etc.
Not in one of these units...but yeah, totally doable. And I've done it regularly with 198 proof alcohol.
That's a very quick extraction compared to infusing oil which requires time and some heat, right? The machine wouldn't really help with that, in fact you'd likely extract undesirable material. I don't do tinctures but 1/4 tsp of my last batch of oil was a goodly dose
Thanks. I'm wanting to do a sublingual tincture. Faster get-off, and not as long a high
as edibles. Admittedly, slower than smoking, with a shorter high, but I don't wanna
wait two hours to get there, and then 8 more hours to come down, like edibles do ya.
It's lungs is my problem, can't smoke anymore, really. Cough, and gag. But of course,
dispo weed is what does it. If I could attain the kind of quality i see produced in here
i'm 100% sure that some of it will smoke smooth as silk, taste fabulous, and get you high as hell.
That's a very quick extraction compared to infusing oil which requires time and some heat, right? The machine wouldn't really help with that, in fact you'd likely extract undesirable material. I don't do tinctures but 1/4 tsp of my last batch of oil was a goodly dose

When you're using alcohol you want to go as COLD as you can and as quickly as you can. I do it in my freezer at -6F. Then evaporate off the alcohol to reduce it down to oil. You want to freeze up the chlorophyll and other 'green' matter as much as you can so the alcohol only gets the THC not any other parts that are soluble in alcohol.