how much did i lose?


Active Member
Well my veg room is overloaded with clones and i have no room for my mother plant so i put her into flower today. I wasnt really sure if i should top it first or not to get more yeild but i did anyway. I know its better to give it time to heal first before i flower....but i have no choice. I was wondering if it was a better choice or was it better for me to not top it and just flower?


Well-Known Member
I toped a plant a few weeks ago before flowering to see what would happen... and all the side branches grew way taller, and thr top buds, are now the lowest buds on the plant. so . yea. I dont know... I wont find out what happend because I think I'm going to kill it. tonight...


Well-Known Member
Top it, send it into flower...If done RIGHT, They will catch up eventually
and produce adaquate sized colas, and should produce more bud than
single colas...