How much did you harvest?


Well-Known Member
One 6 & 1/2 footer DWC put out 6.25 z's. One 3 1/2 footer-diff strain-put out 3 z's. Dry weights.
Gardencats-this is all hypothetical-no?


Active Member
just cut down 36 the other 14 died through out the grow,weaker clones, and different strains.still hanging will down load pics. i kept all the plants under 2 feet. used 2, 4x8 trays, and 6x600hps . my guess is somewhere around 4 pounds but we will c once its all dry, pretty dense nuggs.


Well-Known Member
Those are some nice stories, hypothetically speaking. Is one oz. off one plant indoors too much too expect? I just don't want to get my hopes up, you know? Maybe we can get some pics on this thread.

Marie Jain

Active Member
I'm looking for a minimum of 3oz from one plant, up to a max of 10 so far. Legal grow so nothing hypothetical here. However, given the times and the economy I'll keep my true location to myself, heheheh.


Well-Known Member
1st plant-4 ounces dry

I grew it outside in the woods so i call it FOREST FIRE...
Really great stuff...One or two hits and your BLASTED! Smells real fruity and has a sweet taste to it... Used molasses at 2 TBL per gallon every other day....

Two more to go....


Well-Known Member
Cows got out, fuck'n ate and stepped on my whole crop. So, in short I got only enough to smoke for 6-7 months at most and NONE to sell. I guess I wont be adding any to the retierment fund this year. hope everyone had a better year than my.


Well-Known Member
Cows got out, fuck'n ate and stepped on my whole crop. So, in short I got only enough to smoke for 6-7 months at most and NONE to sell. I guess I wont be adding any to the retierment fund this year. hope everyone had a better year than my.
I say just "smoke" that damn cow, fucking bastard.

Blue Diesel

Active Member
11 plants = 1 hemi/dead.
1 clone dried and trimmed 2 1/2 lb
1 seed plant dried and trimmed 4 1/4 lb
3 plants drying and looking like 10 lbs
5 more still growing
a good crop? a lucky crop? my first crop


Well-Known Member
I have harvested 2 plants already, they started budding wayyyy early and got about 2 lbs each, the rest of my plants are 2 to 3 times bigger. I still have a few more weeks till finish as of right now.


New Member
Gosh, it's funny, but i have never weighed my harvests. I have a scale, but I've just always dry cured and stuffed mason jars.
Anyway, i grew 18 plants in 1 gallon pots and got 13 mason jars stuffed. I've never sold it, but have given plenty away.
That's the best I can do.



Well-Known Member
11 plants = 1 hemi/dead.
1 clone dried and trimmed 2 1/2 lb
1 seed plant dried and trimmed 4 1/4 lb
3 plants drying and looking like 10 lbs
5 more still growing
a good crop? a lucky crop? my first crop
That is amazing, can you give us some details so that someday one of us can grow supermutant man eating buds.HAHA:-P