How much did you pay?


Well-Known Member
Old bong was 35 bucks, new bong was 80 bucks, pipe was 20, bubbler was 30, grinder was 25. Ive had more stuff but thats what I have on me right now.


Active Member
45 dollars - nice glass bong
55 dollars - 1/8th of dank
79 cents- one orange bic lighter
feeling after toking a fat bowl - priceless


Staff member
gask mask $108
bong- $30
i usually just smoke out of my sink which is just a tim hortons green tea bottle and a bucket lol


Well-Known Member
gask mask $108
bong- $30
i usually just smoke out of my sink which is just a tim hortons green tea bottle and a bucket lol
i made a gasmask with a $5 WWII gasmask a piece of PVC pipe and a PVC cap and a bongslide i had. so......

i think you wasted like $100 on that


Active Member
wow my smoke shop is a god damn rip off!!!!!!!
paid 15 for my pipe and 70 for my bubbler. and 25 for my glass pipe


Active Member
bamboo shot pipe £3.50 super easy to clean
papers 60p
I-inhale £125 don't use much to be honest dont get me that same toxic buzz