How much did you spend on your grow room?


Well-Known Member
Ballast and wiring $269, 465cfm fan $145, Hortilux super Hps bulb $115, reflector $140, Nutes $100, ph tester $30, venting pipes $30, seeds $50 (WW for bcseedking) , pots $30, Black/white polly $50, Soil $50,osolating fan $35, Talking the wife into letting me grow Priceless. So $1044.00 plus tax Brings it to about $1250.00 and I still need to add a carbon filter, and A/C.


Well-Known Member
um $740.56 for a 400w switchable ballast, hps and mh bulb, 6 in intake reflector, 5 gallon buckets, soil, nutes, seeds, 6 in inline fan, im sure some other crap i cant think about right now cause this sweettooth has me baked