How much did your first grow yield?


Well-Known Member
4 plants in 3 gallon pots in the shower of my roommates bathroom 16 years ago. college was great! don't even remember what kind of light we used. think it was a 600w. we got maybe 6 ounces of some airy crap that we didn't even cure right. got us high though. :bigjoint:
Random bag seed with a 400 w hps in a 2'x4' closet....hps hung with coat hangers.(its the only thing i had) in preferted cheap soil. Temps about 80-100...LOL.....and when i'd water(which was almost never) my method wouldn't resemble raindrops falling to the ground.....noooo method was more like a TSUNAMI caused by a category 20 quake! Needless to say i basically tried to MURDER my plant but she gave a good oz..


Well-Known Member
Ya know, he mentioned in the OP techniques, which not a lot of people (including myself) included.

I topped all of my plants at least once, but most of them I topped for at least 4 main tops. I supercropped all of them (not sure if it "holds nutrients in the branch" or whatever, but man it helps give you thick strong stems). I would do it all the time, just kind of breaking them towards the outside to open them up for light.

With one plant (which is the method I like to do now), I only topped it once, but then I tied the two tops down so the branches would go up. It worked out well, bc topping costs time for recovery, and this way you can get tons of tops with only 1 cut, without the long pause caused by a fim. I fimmed almost all of my plants, but didn't do it properly and only 1 responded and got like 4 or 5, the rest only got 2 from the cut.

But yeah, the plant that I topped and then tied the tops down (l let each one get like a foot first), I built a little individual scrog screen out of a piece of remesh and some yOyo string. I dunno if that was the reason that single plant yielded half, and the other 5 plants yielded the other half, or if that plant just did so damn good bc it had yield in its genetics. I haven't used the scrog screen since then, but now that I think of it I definitely ought to try that again lol.


Well-Known Member
2g's, outside, in the shade, heavy sativa bag seed, planted direct in the ground in late July, only got about 2-3 weeks growth before it started flowering. It was a sad plant about 12" tall with a tiny bud on top.

This wasnt my first attempt at serious growing, just the first time i grew. The next year i put in more effort and got almost 1.5lbs from a combination of 4 autos and 2 photo-period plants. Auto's weren't great producers, but its nice getting a staggered crop all year.


Well-Known Member
I recall I had 4 plants to start with. 2 where of some shwag pot. I think all together it may have yielded a qp under a 400 and 15 cfls. and believe it or not the shwag actually want that bad. I was my learning experience. and original investment. ive come a good way since then herbies and tude have been good to me :-)


Well-Known Member
Outside handful of bag seed from from a friend. 20 plants had more but allot was male. 3 of us took turns guarding then late in season. about 3 lbs of buds. lasted us all winter. done allot outdoors but its getting hard where i live now outside. so this is my first indoor which is day 17 from seed includes germination so they are 11 days old really. so we shall see how many are female. 5 Blueberry and 4 unknows from a friend he bought them and cant remember what strain they are but knows they was not cheap.
THis is air injection soil top 2/3rds is soil bottom 1/3 is lava rock with air hose bubblier and water with divider cloth. air continues to go up and so far the plants love it. Ill have to come back and post how many are female and my yeild quality ect.
Love and Peace all


Active Member
4 cfls each, fox farm ocean forest, 1-4-5 nutes I think it was bonticare something, and one top for 4 colas. One of them grew nuts in veg the other gave me 24g.