how much did your lighting system cost


New Member
i have been looking around deciding what to go with. any recommendations im trying to stay as cheap as possible. i only plan to have about 4-6 plants so. well what system do u have
how much was it
how is it working for ya.

also with different types of lighting is there a purpose for different lighting


Well-Known Member
I have a 1000w HPS/MH digital ballast (runs both bulbs) for veg and flower. I'm now vegging under t5's though, this setup works great for me...

But if you want cheaper I'd go for a 600w mh/hps.


Well-Known Member
4-6 plants should do fine with a 400 watter .. i got a 400 switchable ballast bulb and reflector for $ 140..


Well-Known Member
I just purchased a 8 bulb 4 foot T-5 set up for $250 I love T-5s. The hps set up will be purchased much later as I love to veg for 3 months or 24". But I do plan on going with 600 or 750 hps


New Member
i want to keep my electric bill low at the same time im on a budget the good thing is im moving to a new apartment so nothing will be expected. is metal halide best for veg and hps for flower i was thinking of going with the 400w hps and mh kit for 165


Well-Known Member
Yes the MH is for veg and the HPS is for flower but I done my whole grow under the 150W HPS light. The 400W HPS/MH sounds like a hella good deal. You can get the exact same light but a 250W HPS/MH for the exact same price. So we might as well do the 400W HPS/MH light.

As far as your electric bill ... let me calculate that really fast and ill post how much it will cost

i want to keep my electric bill low at the same time im on a budget the good thing is im moving to a new apartment so nothing will be expected. is metal halide best for veg and hps for flower i was thinking of going with the 400w hps and mh kit for 165


Well-Known Member
The 150W HPS will cost me $10.80/ month in the usa. This is figured at 10cents per kilowatt hour which is the USA national average unless you are in Hawaii or a few other unlucky places

The 400W HPS/MH system will cost $28.80/ Month

This is only if you run it 24/7 all month long which is usually what people do during veg. But during flower you will cut back to running it only 12 hours per day and so the cost will go from 28.80 to 14.40

If you have an extra 20 dollar bill to flip on the electric bill then your good to get this light bud