How much do you guys think I'll get off this dry?

Buahahaha.. you people are funny!
Always giving over estimated guesses.

For real though.. after its all trimmed and dried...
... I'd say you got about 8 grams there.

i know you're being a smart ass, but i see lots of nice dense colas, i don't think a qp is pushing it too much..
Hmmm. I count 1 main bud and like 16 smaller ones. You'll probably get somewhere between 1.5 - 2 oz. But I'm leaning closer to 1.5 oz. You're gonna let us know who wins right? LOL.
Hmmm. I count 1 main bud and like 16 smaller ones. You'll probably get somewhere between 1.5 - 2 oz. But I'm leaning closer to 1.5 oz. You're gonna let us know who wins right? LOL.

i would agree with this.

if i was even going to weigh mine it would be after the cure. by then all the larger buds have been broken down and the big stems removed.

i am going to say 2 to 2 1/2 zips but depends on when it gets weighed.
Racerboy is showing his inexperience with actually growing a marijuana plant for sure, that plant wont have more than an ounce once dried its small as shit and those buds aren't big at all just think 70% shrink during drying/curing.
You'll get about 15-20% of whatever it weighs wet and rough trimmed. If you dry and cure it right. Very nice plant, whatever you get from it, you will enjoy it I'm sure.
People always posting a photo of their plant, and ask "how much yield?"
I am going to start under guessing all those threads from now on. since a lot of people over guess.
... and WDIK... that's funny as hell, man. "6.5 marijuanas" <-- HAHA
educated guess. its 2.5 zips. and its not a new term . been around for years in Michigan legal state . if you pull 3 ill be shocked . so 2 tooooo 3 .
best guess... Somewhere between 30-50grams... with proper de-leafing (not done), and cleaning up the bottoms 60-70grams.... running a PGR hardener (Paclo) at week 6.5-7 prob 90-120grams...