How much do you pay for 1/8?


Active Member
same here around 20-25 £ depends 25 if its really special
but i got a 1/8 of b52 for 10 £ the other day
and it was very good as well
oz from 100 to 160-70


Active Member
In Oklahoma an 1/8 of mid grade is $10, Dank is $60. In Oregon I haven't come across anything other than medical grade which runs $50-$60 for an 1/8. :peace: OUT!


ive paid 80...but that was the most amazing shit ive ever smoked...normally about 45 i got a friend who hooks me up pretty good bud too


Active Member
where i live its $50 for mids and $65 for some dank much do you pay?

ur getting jewed!!! 50 for mids.... maybe for a quater 1/4....
25... for mids through a middle man
15... know the right pple
50 for dank
40 knowing the right people

65 where the fuck do u live GOD DAMN
north pole?!


Well-Known Member
Here I pay 30 bucks an eigth for named strains from a grower. but if i wanted just regular chinese hydro its like 20 an eigth, still pretty good stuff though. Never seen the price of schwagg because ive never seen it.


Well-Known Member
Where I am its $30 and there is no going anywhere to get better buds you get what you can and thats it.


Active Member
And people please don't buy 2 grams for 40 bucks you must be a dumb ass. just go for 3.5 for 10 bucks more its a better deal. If you pay 20 bucks a gram 1.0 think well really in eight should be 65 but more you buy the more you save unless you don't know how to conserve. never ever pay more then that or you better punch that dealer in the face and steal his shit.


Active Member
i live in ohio we pay 20 bucks for pretty good mids( bright green, skunky smell) but for really funky nuggets we pay 50 maybe 55 if its truly worth it


Active Member
wtf... 1/8??? 3.5?? 30 bucks always.. 20 for shwag. and if its "Haze" or w.e. they feel like calling it... 45/50 bucks

canadian prices.


Well-Known Member
in SD i get 1/8's of chron aywhere from 40-80 and it all dank it just depends on the grower but i can get an ounce of pretty good schwag for 60


Active Member
Over here in Cali I have over 10 clinics within a 1/4 mile. They typically have a cap on prices and every 1/8 of bud is 45$ reguardless of strain.

I love it in cali. nuff said.


Active Member
Over here in Cali I have over 10 clinics within a 1/4 mile. They typically have a cap on prices and every 1/8 of bud is 45$ reguardless of strain.

I love it in cali. nuff said.
ahhhh screw you and your somewhat legal weed. making me jealous and stuff:-(