How much do you pay for an 1/8 where you live?


Oracle of Hallucinogens
$20-30 for Mids (the 'upper' quality mids are rather good)
$40-70 for Heddies (depending on how exotic)


Well-Known Member
Most of the clubs here have them capped at $50 for the nuggety nugs. I just trade a handful for $20.

If someone is buying an 1/8, they obviously don't have much money to spend on smoke. We've all been there. It's good karma to help a brother out.


Well-Known Member
nothing we are growing our own
i just knew someone would say that and when i saw the name "wise guy" was the last poster i knew it would be you. lol

i pay15-25 for an eighth of midgrades. 100-150 an oz

kind nuggs are between 10-15g depending on certain circumstances. i dont like to pay more than $30 an eighth

it disgusts me when i hear of people paying 25-30g. i think its a scam to pay 20g. i usually would get an eighth for 40-50


$45 an eighth for amazing top shelf medical hydro. Anything from OG Kush to Alaskan Thunderfuck.