How much do you smoke a day?


Well-Known Member
I probably smoke about 3-4 joints a day, I could smoke more easy, but I don't get stoned anymore just a nice buzz.

When I'm growing I can afford to be reckless and throw old 1/2" roaches away. I haven't had to buy weed for the last 6 years.


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
If its good nugs 10g's m-f then other 4 gs from a half fri night, a qtr for sat n sun then a half for rest of week. But its hard to find good Nugs here, mainly compact ass shit weed :spew:that I smoke about an ounc and 1/2 a week.


Well-Known Member
just thought about that karma shit just made me remember that back in High skool days me and my bud use to chill smoke bud but he never threw in... i always brought the bud wether we smoked 1 blunt or 4 i still smoked him up... kinda hated it but w/e u know i was smoken it to so w/e but i just relized liek what u said karma is a bitch since he never threw in.. fukin he had to go to night skool his last 5 months of our senior year and he never got to graduate wit our class becuz of some stupid shit in skool he got kicked out kinda for no reason.. he never did ne thing "bad" i mean he got in trouble but nothin serious they was just assholes for kickin him out
yeah see that shit.

hmmm lets see... pitch in for weed or dont graduate high school.

damn. well simple choice to me. lol. ur gonna smoke it anyways.


Well-Known Member
i smoke about a gram or .5 g a day... not to much but i'm usually alone so i just take a hit from the bowl every few minutes when i'm not at work.