how much do you smoke in one day?


Well-Known Member
title says it all. I used to smoke a q+, took a T break, now only smoking around .5-1g a day.
M - F 3 to 4 joints a night, have one when I get home then 1 every hour and a half to two hours until I go to bed.
Sat & Sun Smoke a joint every hour and a half to two hours. 8 - 12 joints a day.
This much...

title says it all. I used to smoke a q+, took a T break, now only smoking around .5-1g a day.
That's a joint. About the same I did before I retired. Now about a joint and some shatter and sometimes a little oil too. I try not to touch anything until the cocktail hour. When I wake and bake shit doesn't get done. I think the weed causes that. I mean I'm not sure man but... now what the fuck is my point?