How much do you smoke?


Well-Known Member
If I'm awake I'm smoking first thing in the morning and the last thing in the evening.
Like WW for many years. I don't keep track I grow.


Active Member
I go through about an 1/8th a week but i extract the thc with butane and do second runs and then scrape all the residue that dripped off my nail and on to the glass and smoke that too which actually i get much higher each time i smoke compared to a bowl and it also lasts longer then if i were to smoke just bowls of bud. I usually smoke about 4-6 dabs a day to myself and my girl also smokes with me and she only smokes about 2 dabs a day but i guess we do small dabs because it lasts a week but i stay high as long as im not at work.


Well-Known Member
wait why does it matter how much someone smokes . im currently trying to get over the mental images of religious nut jobs and forget how much i smoke.