How much do you think I could sell my notebook for?


Well-Known Member
hps blow so i wouldn't take it for $50. i think you can get some sucker to buy it for like 175 but it's pretty useless. it's like a shitty ipad.

i have a 64bit with 4gb ram. i would like to upggrade to 8 but i haven't done it yet. i actually can do a lot with 4gb but it's my weakest feature. i have a i5 and a SSD. 1gb nvidia. it's a 13 inch laptop though so it's not poweful like a dekstop


New Member
Here's some pictures. It does have a crack in the screen, but it doesn't affect the touch-screen technology or anything, it's purely cosmetic. I'm trying to get $200 out of it, which I know for a fact it's worth, but how high you think I should push it?

View attachment 1770250View attachment 1770251View attachment 1770253View attachment 1770254

Specs: Windows 7 Ultimate x86
2.2GHz Dual-Core processor
~250GB HDD
Fingerprint scanner
Completely touch screen
I had the exact same notebook...

Sorry to say but they are shit, search them on the net and you will find 100's if not 1000's of articles about over heating problems. HP has major issues with the heat sink compound and as a result the graphics chip set will overheat and fry various components in its area.

I sold mine for 325 about a year ago I'd say 200 is a fair price - and that's Canadian btw (I had the main board replaced prior to selling it)