How much do you think ill harvest? White widow


  • 1/2 oz or less

    Votes: 10 19.2%
  • 1 oz

    Votes: 16 30.8%
  • 1 1/2 oz

    Votes: 17 32.7%
  • 2 oz or more

    Votes: 9 17.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
nothing but shitty, little pop corn buds, no main cola, nothing

its not your fault man, its the fools giving you wrong, shitty info and its out of order!


Well-Known Member
final weight.... 16.1 yeah it sucks i had to take it a couple days early but would one more week really give it that much more weight?


Well-Known Member
u have a clone of this plant!?
please dont waste your time - this was a crappy, low yield, popcorn, plant it was BELOW average at best

please buy some feminized seeds from nirvana - there no expensive

dont waste your time with this shit - u may aswell go to the movies, buy some popcorn and smoke that in a bong -

im not hating im trying for you to start fresh , research and stop wasting ur time growing junk

sorry but truth hurts - u need any help - just ask

i hate seeing shitty little popcorn, not ready plants - dude they needed bout 4 weeks


Well-Known Member
lol england123 fuck off

these are not popcorn buds first of all, i got my seedsman seeds white widow femenized from attitude, i use fox farm ocean forest soil, eco grow and eco groow, mollasses, and 2700k cfl so get off my dick and stop trying to act like you know something i let u say something the 1st couple times but now youre going too far so go fuck yourself

and if you read my thread i said i had to harvest early, THEY WERE AT THE END OF WEEK 7 OF FLOWERING AND THE TRICHROMES WERE 20% AMBER.....whats not ready about that? stop posting on my thread youre just going around posting on threads trying to get your posts up. if you have negative comments keep them to yourself.


Well-Known Member trying to help you - and not blowin smoke up your ass and telling you how it is....

If you cant take constructive feedback why bother posting on here

go smoke your frosty got no bud dude - i offered to help you aswell

haha - chilll


Active Member
Looks pretty good Tragik, what was your wet weight again? How long do you plan to cure? Can't wait for the smoke report!


Well-Known Member
Looks pretty good Tragik, what was your wet weight again? How long do you plan to cure? Can't wait for the smoke report!
wet weight was 70 grams, i plan to cure for only about a week, lol and ill of course pinch out of the jar until then ;) ill hit you guys back with some final pics after curing for a week and with a smoke report