How much do you think this bud weights ?


Well-Known Member
its crazy how much size buds lose as they dry. i would say that would be about 2.3 when its all dried out. and its going to look reasonably smaller.

there where times when i thought ppl stole my buds when they where drying but they just shrunk and looked like alot less bud. actually this has happend to me every harvest (only 3 0r 4) but it is still amazing how much they lose.
70-80 percent, on average, of the wet weight is lost during drying.


Well-Known Member
Well , whats your method , how long should i hang ?
Check out Riddeme's thread, Poll, calling all newbs. Not calling you a newb but check around like page 41 or so. He explains the Old school hippie way of drowning a plant and the rest of the curing process. Very interesting stuff.


Well-Known Member
You must have missed BT's post. # 20, explains it all. There are many methods. But his post is the manner most growers begin with.


Well-Known Member
dry weight? I would say around 2.5 to 3.5 grams dried properly.

good luck buddy.

Remember (I'm sure someone has mentioned it) but remember that bud shrinks and kinda "implodes" into its self while it dries.

Not "explode" which means an outer explosion or force.. I'm talking about "implosion".

Hope that helped..



Active Member
Ya i was told it would shrinnk , and it is alreay kinda closing in on if self , and its all sticky !