I found that when I went to hydro and CO2 that my flower time dropped about 2 days on 56 day plants to 54. I figured mostly that the decreased time was from CO2 but i never controlled for hydro.any ideas how soon it may finish with co2, or is there not a significant difference?
QFT!!Over and over again I read on grow sites that 'unless everything else is perfect, CO2 will have no benefits'. It is my opinion that that is completely false and not supported by the literature or the data. CO2 is a limiting factor always. Increasing CO2 to optimal levels will only help conditions, even if something else is wrong. While there might not be a cost benefit because something else in the garden is off, from a biochemical point of view, elevated CO2 is better.
Increase potency?? Wrong. Just listen to what potroast said, nuff saidIt doesn't speed up dick. It just increase yields and may increase potency. In theory it may speed up vegging times though since the plant is getting larger faster.
why would anyone wanna reduce yield to save a week? your going to grow and care for these plants for months and then a week before they are ready cut them early and waste all that time you put in it...lol all to save 7 days? lol seems silly to even say it outloudyou can try using gravity from humboldt countys
heard that cuts up to a week off flowering but can slightly reduce yield... at least what i heard from a few local medical growers i know
i personally havent tried it yet
I didn't say will...I said may...may meaning not in all cases. I could see it increasing potency if your room already was low on CO2 (i.e. didn't have enough in it or a way of getting it). Thats what I was speaking about.Increase potency?? Wrong. Just listen to what potroast said, nuff said
I have noticed this thruout lots of strains. While I agree that one needs to check with a magnifying glass, the results ive seen in a few days earlier.@ AXL,
Co2 will help finish earlier..
i have a 70 day strain which is Tangerine dream from barneys farm. this is my 3rdtime using co2 with this strain and my first time i grew it with co2 it finishes about 3 days earlier. then the second time i finished about a week early..and now im into 6 weeks so i will let u know when i finish!
Totally agree. You are not god. A bottle of some magic CO2 at the hydro store will not make the plant flower quicker. If i want to turn 40 years old, I cannot go buy a magic drink that speeds up my aging process. The same is true in nature, with weed. If it takes 9 weeks, it will take 9 weeks. sory broIf it's a 70-day strain, then it will take 70 days, with CO2 or without it. Maybe using CO2 will shorten ripening by a couple of days, but don't count on it, use a magnifier and inspect the trichomes for ripeness.
FYI the seedbanks usually advertise a shorter ripening time than is actually required, and the sativa dominance of the Jack Herer strain will mean that it will probably take longer than that.