Seattle area, WA state. Gotta love the Pacific Northwest! Prices vary depending upon who you know. I pay about $200-$220 per oz. for some quality dank. Just bought an oz of Grandaddy Purp today from a local medical grower for $220. It was some high grade dank. I pay anywhere from 600-700 for a QP of quality dank, and about 800-900 for homegrown high grade (Trainwreck, White Widow, Chocolope). I've payed 1000 for a QP before though, but it was the high grade QP that my buddy picked up in Portland, OR, and I believe I got what I payed for! All the fire out of Portland that I've seen I would pay 1000 a QP for. I don't care about prices for regs, mids, beasters, or anything. If it's not dank, it's not even worth smoking or worrying about in my opinion.