How much does the avg female stripper make in a very small city

That's what my aunt said and she worked in the bar industry... Yeah a talk to this chick on FB and I think she is a stripper, but not sure. She was talking about living in an apartment and I was like shes a stripper must be making bank. I guess not.
She’ll be better off stripping in jersey if she wants to be close to ny. If she’s good looking a better route would be a bartender aka startender. They get a lot of money in ny.
In ny strippers can’t even get full nude. If she’s not doing dates on the side she’s probably making minimum wage or less.

ya in MI they don’t get fully nude where they would serve alcohol only topless and 21+ to enter makes no sense then you got Deja Vu and No alcohol 18+ to enter , you can only purchase Pepsi and that means you gotta Bring your own Booze and just add to drink lol And totally nude .... totally backwards here lol. ..... I’ve dated 1 stripper in my life lol “very fun part of my life but now I’m boring so no more of that shit” And they make great money it’s selective maybe 3-4 days a week u can bring home 1k$ a night easy and they worked only topless so I can’t see a NY stripper making minimum wage NO WAY there wouldn’t be strippers if that’s the case ..

Now i don’t know what I’m doing on a grow site answering questions like this wtf!! :wall: