How much Dolomite Lime to balance PH indoor?


I have to balance some PH in my soil based plants, just a touch acidic and I think a touch of dolomite lime will work but dont want to use too much. Any answers?

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
It really needs to be eyeballed as it varies with how much the Ph is off, how much soil there is and how much surface area is on the top of the soil. From the sound of "just a touch acidic," I'd suggest just a light sprinkling over the surface to start. You can adjust liquids as well so that when they mix with the acidic soil, the Ph averages at the correct level while the soil is wet. Over time, small adjustments in the liquids will eventually affect the soil's Ph.


Thanks! It is just a touch acidic, I was maybe just going to add a half teaspoon or so in a gallon of warm water and use that to water the plant. Over a few days I would hope to see some change and take it from there, but a sprinkle sounds good too, then the watering would help bring the chemical down in doses and allow the soil to adjust. Thanks again