Well-Known Member
nice budsok ill play
nice budsok ill play
right next to post reply button is an unpload file button. pretty straight forward. And as far as gettting advice. you have to take it with a grain of salt. if you hang out enough you will find out which membors know their shit and are always willing to lend advice. however, somtimes it may mean rethinking everything you thought you knew about growing. and you have to be open to that part of it. I am ex hydro grower myself. took me years to fully start to understand the process of living soil growing, and even then im still learning something new every single day. I can recommend you a few books which helped big time for me. for begginners true living organics by the rev is a start. some of his methods are a bit out there but it will get you thinking about soil health and taking care of your micro organism which basically do all the farming for you. Also, teaming with microbes is a must. And i would 100% recommend building or purchasing a worm bin to start your own castings. Its more about understanding the proccess of how raw organic matter is broken down and eventually used up by the plant. you have to almost fall in love with it. wierd but true.How do you post pics. pretty new here just trying to get into organics and seems like i gotta struggle to get info and when i do its the "Simplest answer i can give"
thanks daloudpack! water only. AACT once a month. EZPZ. I dont do much but get the fuck out the way and let them girls do their thangnice buds
thanks daloudpack! water only. AACT once a month. EZPZ. I dont do much but get the fuck out the way and let them girls do their thang
Lol. Was just trying to discuss. There are countless threads here with great informstionw and non argumentative people. Usually its the half organic guy giving bullshit advixe that fuxks up a thread. instead of looking to logic and science rely on emotions and hurt feelings to respond.
You may think I take offense but I really don't. Your bias is just that, a bias..
You won't acknowledge me because I'll take your 8th grade understanding of the way things work and throw right in your face.
I wouldn't call any thread about dolomite lime a "decent" thread btw.
Here's the most simple answer I can give you. Why in the fuck are you guys really here. No dont use it gives me about an 8th grade understanding. And im really glad you guys grow good pot. I think the plant i fucked up that ime here trying to get help for has bigger buds than that week 6. Dont keep pics on my phone but i can take some shortly. Green machine i really dont think horse manure is stupid i honestly just got caught up in the trash talk haha. I loveit.I really just wanna provide the best medecine for my family and friends. Super satisfied with yield but i need that organic quality.
NO, dshortly. Green i.e it..
yup yup. right along the same lines as me. I use oyster flour as well as big pieces( mainly because i feel it may help after 2 or 3 runs). and of course crab sheel meal is a staple. for me its not the buffering effect of the crab but introduction of chitin, which we know makes it very difficult for pest to reproduce. but yeah usefull trifecta! pest, PH and nutrients. yum yum yumHey Green, I put my oyster shell flour and crab meal in my soil for liming. The crab meal not only raises the ph (just like lime) but also supplies me with N, P, Ca, and Mg.
I also supplement gypsum as everyone knows it can't work without sulfur
ahhhh he wwas holding out on usGreat thread guys.
Thats watsup guys. Now could i use crab shell in my coco with hydro nutes. Or does it need beneficials to break it down
Is it a pic of a donkey dick haha. Forgive my 8th grade understanding but what is a chitin. I guess i could google it but im sure you guys have experience and info
Great thread guys.
More like dude says he doesnt raise his own worms! Most organic growers do.did dude say he raises his own worms lol
The majority of these soil ammrndments we use need s "cook" time of 30 days. Before the plant gets into the dirt. This is needed because its gives the micro herd ( fungal and bacteria) time to brrak down thrse raw ingredients. I dont see any use in soiless hydro application.Thats watsup guys. Now could i use crab shell in my coco with hydro nutes. Or does it need beneficials to break it down