You can never win with those folks - but to each his own I guess. You just gotta do what feels right to you, and then pay attention to how your plants respond. They'll tell you what they like.
I'm loving this switch to organics (a big thanks to Corbat420 for all his great advice and taking the time to help me out). My plants already look so much healthier, and it just feels better to be growing in natural living soil rather than inert mediums and chemical nutrients. Just seems right to me.
I used to hate measuring and mixing out my nutrients, and always being paranoid of burning the plants with a dose that was too high. Not to mention this worrisome feeling I had at harvest time when I was doing everything I could to flush out all the chems so I wouldn't be smoking a bunch of synthetic crud.
Now that I've started implementing the tea as well, its only gotten better.
Poplars, good info on the constant bubbling to keep the mix aerobic. I've been keeping my airstone going 24/7 since I started, and the tea has so far kept fresh and healthy with no signs of it going anerobic on me.