How Much Exercise Do You Get?

I've been working up to those dragonflags for a month, and still can't pull back up...that's 80% of your own body weight. Most professional athletes can't even do those.

I'm big on stability/medicine balls as well, they force you to stabilize with your weakest muscles.

I had to do it in stages at first, isolating what muscles I was using because I'm uncoordinated like that. Ballet works in stages, too (like holding an attitude before going into arabesque, or developpe holding your leg turned out and bent at the knee before extending rather than relying on momentum. It's these muscles, then these ones- make sure x part of you is solid before extending/tensing y etc) The tension and carriage gym and ballet drill into you are part of it. Actually, I find controlling going down harder than pulling up, but gym and trapeze (I do a bit of trapeze/rings) incorporate more of the pulling up. I won't lie, it did not come naturally. I have heavy, powerful muscly legs and a comparatively scrawny torso. I'm still working on it. But yeah, going down feels like my middle is going to rip in two sometimes..

I've only tried the medicine balls a few times in my high school gym. I will give them a try at my current gym some time.

My weakness is instability due to hyperextension, weak wrists/forearms, lower back and turnout muscles. There's still much to do..
Aside from how physical all the hunting and fishing I do, I try to walk my dog 2-3 miles a day. I just got back into rollerblading too, teaching my 5 yr old the ropes....she can do the 3 mile loop with me, slowly, at the local metropark, so it looks like a blading kind of summer, plus slalom skiing on the lake. If I don't keep up some kind of constant activity, my poor body locks up and I look like baby curled up on the couch. What a puss, huh!
wake up with jumping jacks until i'm sweating a little and my heart is pumping.

eat a light breakfast, take a vitamin, drink a bottle of water.

wait 15-20 minutes and then use the stair stepper every day for an hour and a half. (don't hate, these things will having you dripping in sweat after a good 20-30 minutes).

monday, tuesday, thursday, friday i'll spend an hour or two on chin ups/pull ups, weights, push ups/sit ups.. the basics.

and then finish it off with as many jumping jacks as i can possibly do.

later in the night a few hours before bed i'll run a quick mile and come home to take my shower.

pretty basic shit i guess.