how much growth out of 2 gal pot


Well-Known Member
Depends upon the pot, the strain, and the skill of the grower. A pot that air prunes will most likely provide the healthiest root structure, deter root bounding, and allow for a larger yielding plant. Your strain choice comes in to play with root structure as well. Sativas really like to branch out in bigger pots while indicas seem to form a cluster closer to the stem and do better in smaller pots. This may be null and void in a smart pot, but I have not grown a pure sativa inside so I cannot comment. With the right medium and nutrient uptake though, really decent sized girls can be grown in 2 gallons. I mean, how big are you going for, there isn't really a magic number? I may yield 3 zips with my CS while grower Joe may pull 4 of BW

Edit: here is a pic of root structure


Well-Known Member
That is a rediculously big wish youre going for in a 2 gl. my friend. If you want that much run 6 girls in 2 gl. veg for 3-4 wks while using lst or scrog, then 12/12 under at the very least a 600 watter and you might pull that much dry. How much space you got?
Well im thinking about growing auto pounder. it claims to yeild almost a pound.thats obviously just wht the company says n a brand name, but ive asked around about it and people say theyve gotten almost 3/4lb. its supposed to be ready to harvest from seed in about 70 days. since its an auto idk if itd grow long enough to fully benefit from a bigger pot. so i was thinking of using 2 gal. air pruning pots, n that it might be better than bigger pots so the root prunes quicker. max out lights, co2, prune, and hope for the best.


New Member
I'm interested in this too because I just set up four 2 gallon buckets in a micro stealth DWC. I'm expecting an oz or two from each plant with FIM, LST, and 150w HPS.


Well-Known Member
Have you considered bumping up to 3 gal smart pots? I tried 2 gals at first and noticed a big difference when I went to 3 gal... highly recommended. You could do a little side by side comparison and use a 2 gal and a 3 gal and see what happens.

I would be very interested to see the micro stealth DWC with 2 gal buckets. Been thinking about something like that for my next cycle.


New Member
I have it all set up and everything... will put up some pics when my beans sprout. For me it was pretty much either four 2 gallon buckets or one 5 gallon.
i was thinking with the air pruning pots that a 2 gal would be better to use with an auto because the roots would prune quicker. but idk im still deciding what to use


Well-Known Member
I think it is a bad decision to assume the auto pounder you put in a 2 or 3 gallon pot is going to yield anywhere close to that much weight. You're relying on what you have read and unfortunately the majority or what is posted is exaturated the same way as fish stories. Not to mention, with an auto, you screw up one single feeding or temp or whatever, and your yield is effected. Maybe you're an amazing grower and know your shit, I have in fact seem a journal where someone pulled a little over 4 ounces from a "think different" auto and that was in hydro with a 1000 watts, but that a far cry from a pound.

Fantastic Auto phenos can be far and wide and putting all your faith and attention in to one or two will not give you what you're looking for. I am not at all trying to discourage you I'm just looking out. You want a pound? Use a known consistantly high yielding photo like critical mass, shoot for 4oz from 4 plants in 3 gallon pots. If you fuck one up you've got 3 more, and since there are 4 you can keep them short and get dense nugs all the way through. Or 6 in 2.

I will bite my tounge and be proud of you if in 70 days I'm proven wrong.
