How much is an apartment in california?


Active Member
Is HELL. People are really into the dog eat dog thing. Walk to slow, they will shove you out of the way. I had people keep shoving my kids out of the way once. Shoved me one way, the kids toward the street. I had to physically stop people to get to them. And they looked like they were going to kill me for stopping.

Only way to change lanes is to NOT signal. They are so afraid of someone being ahead of them they speed up when you signal.

They are snobs, pushy, aggressive, rude, and that's the white working class. Minorities are so sick of being shoved around by them, they too, attack. Not much friendship happpening in Bay Area, Oakland, & SF are the worst.


Well-Known Member
damn buddy sounds like you live in the wrong area.. around santa cruz county everyone is nice and helpful and generally pretty loving and happy.. you must really live in hell or something because from my exp. cali peeps are badass for the most part.. way better than most of the country thats for damn sure


Well-Known Member
Is HELL. People are really into the dog eat dog thing. Walk to slow, they will shove you out of the way. I had people keep shoving my kids out of the way once. Shoved me one way, the kids toward the street. I had to physically stop people to get to them. And they looked like they were going to kill me for stopping.

Only way to change lanes is to NOT signal. They are so afraid of someone being ahead of them they speed up when you signal.

They are snobs, pushy, aggressive, rude, and that's the white working class. Minorities are so sick of being shoved around by them, they too, attack. Not much friendship happpening in Bay Area, Oakland, & SF are the worst.
thats why we moved up here man.its a fucking rat race in san jose.i mean i miss being close to numerous dispensaries, but its not so bad if your growing your own.