How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area


Active Member
Children grade weed by "mids, regs, and whatever horseshit names children use for weed". If you pay 200 bucks for an oz of what you call weed (guarantee damned teed your smoking hermie shit at best), you ain't even in the same ballpark as my shit.


anywhere from about $250 - $300 for some ridic kush. I'm just one of the lucky ones that has a really good hook though.


Active Member
idk where you guys are getting these insane prices man, here in el paso, TX i can get an ounce of skunk for 30 bucks, guess its a good connect, and the shit is killer, you guys pay way too much
Dude your thinking about 3 rocks of crack you smoked before you posted.
Or its mexican brickweed and you did a donkey show plus 30.


Well-Known Member
In the area in Scotland I'm in its between £10-£15 for a gram 230 for an oz.Its unbelievable how greedy ppl are getting up here.


Well-Known Member
Well, since I'm a n00b here I guess i will add my two cents. I've seen weed go for as high as 600.00 an oz and as low as 85.00. However, most people that buy the low price really wouldn't know good weed if it came up, fucked their mom, ate their lunchable, and kicked their dad in the balls. It's like the people who eat the off brand fruit loops and think they're awesome. If you've had nothing but crap to eat all your life of course you think it's good. Granted, I think that people who pay 600 or more for an oz are getting screwed.


Active Member
some of the really sick weed here, in the over 25% thc range, goes for like 600 an ounce.

but most stuff is around 200, and the good shit's like 300. still pretty fierce stuff... not the same as that lemon skunk my man grew that was 28.5% thc.... but pretty damn sick


Active Member
$600 an oz.? psht. i live in fuckin kentucky and $250 is the most ive paid. and i wasnt impressed compared to the $150 NL i almost always buy. But in a few done buyin.

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Well-Known Member
In my neck of the woods, from zero to two forty. Zero to me and up to two forty depending on where you fall on my friends list. Weed is way overpriced in my opinion, way overpriced. When you start looking at weed for over three hundred dollars and ounce, you're looking at greed, too many people wanting to make too much money every step on down the line. That's my opinion.

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Well-Known Member
some of the really sick weed here, in the over 25% thc range, goes for like 600 an ounce.

but most stuff is around 200, and the good shit's like 300. still pretty fierce stuff... not the same as that lemon skunk my man grew that was 28.5% thc.... but pretty damn sick
I don't think it's physically possible for a plant to contain more than twenty five percent thc. I have some of my own grown lemon skunk, it's a good smoke, but twenty eight percent?


Active Member
I don't think it's physically possible for a plant to contain more than twenty five percent thc. I have some of my own grown lemon skunk, it's a good smoke, but twenty eight percent?
These days there are strains that do have 28.5%, even up to 30% THC. I personally can't afford stuff that dank, but my bro can and does. Costs around 600 a z. The mids I get are around 250 a z.