How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

just some dank it smelled like straight oranges and when u hit it thats what the smoke tasted like too we were lucky/unlucky enough to get seeds in the bag with it depends on how u look at it

i ordered to blunts
and he gave me an eighth so i guess it makes up for the seeds
sothwestern PA, 120$ for a O of good mid's, ur nugs' and stuff are still like 60 an 8th stuff like that, the price range's from like 120-220, depending on if ppl are tryin to make a killing
And some ppl go over board with name's of marijuana , alot of ppl talk out there asses namin shit like fruity pebble's and shit like that, can't we jus call it sum good weed, instead of like mexican nut hair,and stupid shit like that
Colorado Street Prices:
Hygrade: 1/4 ounce - $80 - $150.00
Green Rag: 1/4 ounce - $35 - $40
Brown Rag: 1/4 ounce - $25 - $30
Mex Dirt: 1/4 ounce - $15 - $20
Blonde Hash: 1 gram - $50 - $100
White Hash: 1 gram - $150 -$175
Goo Hash/Resin: 1 gram - $150 - $225
Hygrade Hash Oil: 1 gram - $200 and up!
Low grade Hash Oil: 1 gram - $60.00 - $80

Pricing may vary depending on area of state and availability!

ahhhhhhhh,sum 1 plz tell me you are not paying 150-225 $ for sum damn rezin are u ppl smokin crack, geeeez i have never ever ever ever heard of anbody buying rezin i had a buddy give me sum resin cause i was desprate but , are you serious i mean i know ppl have bought hash but that's different, if u buy rezin u mught as well buy spit cause really 25% of rezin is spit ppl blowing in ther bowl's and pipes etc. blah nasty dude , but if shit is that scarse up there gotta do wutcha gotta do:hump:
sothwestern PA, 120$ for a O of good mid's, ur nugs' and stuff are still like 60 an 8th stuff like that, the price range's from like 120-220, depending on if ppl are tryin to make a killing

almost the same in northeastern Pa. our o prices are a bit ridiculous anywhere between 150 to 300 our 1/8's are 45-60. this is why I grow
almost the same in northeastern Pa. our o prices are a bit ridiculous anywhere between 150 to 300 our 1/8's are 45-60. this is why I grow

yeah man it seem's like the further north you go the more $ it is, in the burb's of my town ur gonna get it cheaper, it seem's like ppl are a bit more genorus, u go into town, prices are spiked a lil bit, every one's trtin to make a buck :joint:
sothwestern PA, 120$ for a O of good mid's, ur nugs' and stuff are still like 60 an 8th stuff like that, the price range's from like 120-220, depending on if ppl are tryin to make a killing

about the same as ohio...
120 for mids, most people around here cant get it below around 150 tho, if i sell an ounce its 150. The highgrade stuff here is outrageous 50 an 8th no cuts at all :(
350-400 $ SoCal

that's a bit steep, that better be for sum craziness 350-400 up here will get u a QP of really good mid's or almost 2 o's of really good high grade depending on what your fancy is, u would no believe sum of the buds that come out the pa mountain's, i know all about cali, i think dr. dre and snoop has said enough about ur smoke :peace:
about the same as ohio...
120 for mids, most people around here cant get it below around 150 tho, if i sell an ounce its 150. The highgrade stuff here is outrageous 50 an 8th no cuts at all :(

yeah i hear ya if i was slangin it i wouldnt let it go for less than 170$ now if it's a friend then im hookin them up but if it's like a friend's friend that want's sum im gonna jack the price on them a bit, u gotta make money sumwhere:blsmoke: about the same wit the nug's here 50-60 an 8th you really can't get know break's on that stuff i really don't like buyin it too much,mid's are good enough for me, i just can't bring myself to spend 20 a G on some buds, when all u gotta do is take an extra smack of ur mids and ur just as high,but thats just me:peace:
haha i wish i could get 65$ an ounce, then again i wish it was warm here all year around ,it kinda forces to grow indoor's, weather here is soo unpredictable like right now it's an oddly warm day about 64, now in two day's it's supposed to snow, the weather up here is really goofy espcecially since im at the foot of a mountain too
Its nice but all the pushers are cokeheads to but there so many its hard not to score. The shear amount of weed down here keeps the cost down. I have a friend who buys here drives two hours up to phoenix and triples his money.
yeah man it seem's like the further north you go the more $ it is, in the burb's of my town ur gonna get it cheaper, it seem's like ppl are a bit more genorus, u go into town, prices are spiked a lil bit, every one's trtin to make a buck :joint:

i'm in northeastern pa and get an o of all nugs, some seeds, not dank but not crappy mids, for $150-160. I get eighths for $30 and fourths for $55-60 from the same guy. If you go into the city you can find o's for 80-120 for mids but I don't have any good connections and I don't want any sketchy buds..