How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

In Cali I used to be able to get an ounce of bomb chronic for about 20. Good shit too. I just saw a medical organic (OG) kush Oz for 550. HOLY SHIT. i got some tho.
In Tacoma, WA it's anywhere from 180 an ounce to 220 and 250 for purp, unless I got my hookup but thats another story.
could get a lb for 650 im pretty sure.
In Cali I used to be able to get an ounce of bomb chronic for about 20. Good shit too. I just saw a medical organic (OG) kush Oz for 550. HOLY SHIT. i got some tho.

wow they paid YOU to smoke cause thats not even the cost to grow it. :roll:
IN northeast U.S. i can get and ounce anywhere from 100 bucks for some seedy buds,or drive a half hour for a nice ounce of kind bud for 450, and of course the standard dank and beasters around here goes for about 240 which isnt bad.
in ohio i get an o of reggie for 100-135 never pay more

dank 180-200

kush 300-350

white russian :) my all time fave 650

I live right in the middle of the big city in Ohio were did u get white Russian from in ohio i want some man... i just got some lemon G
Manhattan -
500 for an o of conniseur quality, well cured, home delivered
150 for a quarter o
50 for 1.8 grams
WOW i need to come sell some over there haha 1.8 for fucking 50 i would kill my self i think 3.5 for 50 is to much.. how do u afford that hahaha
Great lakes area is
1/8 =20-40
1/4 =30-50
1/2 =50-60
1 oz=70-80
we smoke mostly skunk or indica cause it grows quickly and is a good yielder... oh yeah and a fast flowerer
Yeah... i'm in new england I pay like 100-120 for a single O of decent mids. Danks I can get anywhere from 350 an O (it's like beasty kindathough, I don't waste my time w /it) to like 500 an ounce for some REALLY prime indoor afghani kush or jackfrost.
Over here it's ridiculas your talking 300 euro an ounce which is about 420 dollars, and the stuff you get wouldn't be great either orange bud usually, or some idiot telling you it's skunk or white window cause it's the only name they know....growing is the only way or knowing people who do.
Great lakes area is
1/8 =20-40
1/4 =30-50
1/2 =50-60
1 oz=70-80
we smoke mostly skunk or indica cause it grows quickly and is a good yielder... oh yeah and a fast flowerer

LOL... well the dealers in your area either don't understand fractions or are just extremely generous on the price break. There are eight 1/8s in an ounce so by your chart the least an ounce should cost is 160 (or perhaps 140 with a price break..... but $70???? someone's losing money)

I guess it just goes to show.... it's all about supply and demand :)