How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

hey now if youve got questions we are all open for them!!

sanifsan?? or sonofsam, whatever your name it gets funnier.

$60 fucking dollars for an 1/8th of brown frown??? I hope youre kidding!!

brown frown....don't know what that is but if you meant dirt weed yea it's 45-60 an ounce and 1/8 of dro is 45-50 and AAA, AK, exotic in general is 60 an 1/8.
Phoenix - $60-100 for mids
$125 a 1/4 oz of kind (very very limited supply)
Havent seen any solids in 5 years+

theres no variaty here - it seems like everyone has the exact same buds all over town.
Was reading a high times and was surprised to see how much the price is in the US for an ounce of Bud. Seen some places paying $300 to $700 and more for bud in the US.

For an ounce of Willie Nelson (Sativa: Vietnamese x Nepalese) here in Eastern Kanada, I pay $180.00 ($10.00 extra for the guy to drop it off at a place that I like).

Just wondering what others on here pay for an ounce of Bud in their areas......


Holy crap, 180 for an ounce of willie!?!? WIllie nelson is by FAR,i repeat by FAR my number ONE top all time best bud iv yet to smoke, that is saying Alot.And Iv smoked the best of em. It goes for about 400 an ounce at the clubs in Sanfrancisco :(But is down right Awww inspiring! Where do u live again, so i can pack my bags right now to move there! U lucky fukin bastard U! :mrgreen:
Northern England they're buying it straight off the plant wet uncured for, get this £70-80 oz, its totally bone dry here, there's only one way to get round it, growyerown, 2-3 crops a yr alone or not takes alot of the guesswork and knobache out of the whole smoking pastime and a hobby thrown in but just personal no selling and you'll never run out. No offence Skunkushybryd
a pound of silver haze for 250 bucks!!!!! YOU my friend are INSANE, a little SLOW, or just DREAMING, sorry but........ no.
For top notch stuff where I live an ounce would cost about 240 - 300 pounds sterling. Basically double that for dollars worth. However there is a particular website which I'm sure many of you know of. Enables me to half that price for even better bud.
a pound of silver haze for 250 bucks!!!!! YOU my friend are INSANE, a little SLOW, or just DREAMING, sorry but........ no.

nah man im not lying, dont forget it's mexico cheaper prices because alot od it comes from here, and value gos up in the u.s.
Northern England they're buying it straight off the plant wet uncured for, get this £70-80 oz, its totally bone dry here, there's only one way to get round it, growyerown, 2-3 crops a yr alone or not takes alot of the guesswork and knobache out of the whole smoking pastime and a hobby thrown in but just personal no selling and you'll never run out. No offence Skunkushybryd

I've changed my outlook on my own weed now, because as you say the weed people are buying now is wet. There's nothing else about. The stuff i'm buying has had a bit of drying, but I'm still losing up to a third in weight for the same price. I cannot, and will not (unless you beg me) sell wet weed. I dry it out then cut the deals down. Like I say, my outlook has changed on my own grows now. I need 10 ounces every 10 weeks before I even think about selling any. I have never smoked a bud that tasted as good as my own. After i take my 10oz this cuts down the amount I will have to sell dramatically. I have a personal grow too but i have to give half the weed (in money) to my gf.
for some nice BC homegrown $230 an oz. decent budz $150-$180max....
hydro $200 for good shit
shwagg $80-$100

i love my canadian prices, the shit yanks pay $500 for is only 200 for me
good homegrown where im at is anywhere from $400-$500 oz.

good commercial $300-$350 oz

middies is $150 an oz.

i live in N.Va like 15 minutes from D.C.
wow i live in irland and its 350 euo an ounce tis alot more satisfieing growing n smokeing your own aney how ....:blsmoke:
:joint: Wow maybe i should move. in Atlanta just some good dank runs $1,000 a qp with an O running between 280-360. but say for some blue satelite , white rhine, bubblegum expect to pay an avg of $500

FIND A NEW CONNECT:spew:. I just moved from atlanta. I can still a year later go back and get an oz of nothern lights+ orange CRUSH (not supposed to be kush..........) for $50 and i would offer it up for 200 an oz.:hump:
bay area purple and hydro around 200-275 an oz. humbolt indoor is 240 an oz. you probably couldent find shitty bud in the bay area even if you tried, its been contained like smallpox lol
idk where you guys are getting these insane prices man, here in el paso, TX i can get an ounce of skunk for 30 bucks, guess its a good connect, and the shit is killer, you guys pay way too much

yea i live in arlington texas and i get an ounce of killer ass bud for only 60 bucks they do pay way too much