How much is HASH in your area?


Well-Known Member
bongsmilie Would like to know what your paying for hash, grade, etc.
I want to invest into hash making, but first I need the skinny on prices and such.


Well-Known Member
really cheap rank hash with bits of plastic in it - £10 a half oz, but also £10 an eighth.

really nice squidgy black moroccan hash - £80 a half oz, £25 an eighth.

these prices probably won't reflect real + common street prices as i live in a weird area for drugs, and have a pretty nice dealer


Active Member
bongsmilie Would like to know what your paying for hash, grade, etc.
I want to invest into hash making, but first I need the skinny on prices and such.
ive seen it sold for 25$ for a half 1/8th 50$ 8th ect.. for brick hash but i make my own oil :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
London : £40 - £60 oz (hash)
£140 - £200 oz (skunk)

although I was offered Weed at £40 oz last week,
depending on the quality and who's paying/selling


10-15 a g for imported but hasnt been seen in a while, but i make my own for free. sometimes from trim, other times i will grab a few oz of some fire regs or cheap dank and bust out the old kief screen


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for your input.
I think I will be getting into making high quality hash. Seems like there is a market for good hash.