How much is in a lid?

I remember paying $15 a lid in 1970. There wasn't much in it volume wise - maybe enough for 15 joints - depending on how you rolled them. The quality of the stuff I got was very lacking. Lots of stems and seeds - maybe 1/2 stems/seeds and 1/2 leaf. No buds that I can remember. It did get you high, however, but made you very hungry (and paranoid).
This was in Southern Alabama, so that probably affected quality, cost and availability.

I remember Acapulco Gold, Panama Red, and Colombian.

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I remember paying $15 a lid in 1970. There wasn't much in it volume wise - maybe enough for 15 joints - depending on how you rolled them. The quality of the stuff I got was very lacking. Lots of stems and seeds - maybe 1/2 stems/seeds and 1/2 leaf. No buds that I can remember. It did get you high, however, but made you very hungry (and paranoid).
This was in Southern Alabama, so that probably affected quality, cost and availability.

I remember Acapulco Gold, Panama Red, and Colombian.

Dayum Bruh. Sounds like you got a Nickle Bag for $15.00? A "Lid" where I was we were paying $20.00 (which was a Fat sandwich bag) also 1969 or 1970. We were getting Pounds for $150 to $180. No Damn Comparison to the stuff today (THC was probably 5% back then.) I could tell some stories about transporting and my "Pals".
Good ol Mexican brick weed in the pink paper wrapper for a Kilo, I helped break down and bag a couple of them for friends. A lid was about an ounce, sometimes 3 or 4 fingers in a sandwich bag. Thai sticks were $15 ea. Colombian was $30, Sensimilla was $40, locally grown in So Cal. Don't remember the prices for blonde and black hash for some reason.
Edit: 72-78ish? Edit#2. I wonder if Dana that moved quantities by the bag back in the day is still alive. He showed up at a party at my house with a 35 gallon trash bag of bud, it smelled glorious.
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A lid was 3/4 of an ounce... when the sale of 25 grams became a felony they sold lids 21 grams to Beat the felony sale... t least that what I remember the word going around was. who knows lots of different meanings I imagine
Dayum Bruh. Sounds like you got a Nickle Bag for $15.00? A "Lid" where I was we were paying $20.00 (which was a Fat sandwich bag) also 1969 or 1970. We were getting Pounds for $150 to $180. No Damn Comparison to the stuff today (THC was probably 5% back then.) I could tell some stories about transporting and my "Pals".

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I always stole mine from my grandma

She always knew and would smile, never gave me any flack about it.

Miss that woman
My mom found some bud in the washing machine in foil which I quickly tried to rescue before she washed clothes, I failed. She asked how often I did that, I said not My dad found 3/4 oz in my jacket and took it to the cops, like they were going to do anything but smoke
My mom found some bud in the washing machine in foil which I quickly tried to rescue before she washed clothes, I failed. She asked how often I did that, I said not My dad found 3/4 oz in my jacket and took it to the cops, like they were going to do anything but smoke

Not mine mate, granny used to dry on her's on the porch never knew what it was, just knew it smelled great there...the day I found out she was getting veggies from the garden I just so happened to search behind a couple of trees, and there it was. She always told me when you get older. Finally I had a bad break up with a woman, she walks on the porch, hands me a j...she sat a smoked with me and told me this will take care of it...after that me and her had a connection and gave me pointers. Fishing on a pier was bitchin with her. Helped her ever since, loved that garden.

Rip grandma miss ya love..
Good ol Mexican brick weed in the pink paper wrapper for a Kilo, I helped break down and bag a couple of them for friends. A lid was about an ounce, sometimes 3 or 4 fingers in a sandwich bag. Thai sticks were $15 ea. Colombian was $30, Sensimilla was $40, locally grown in So Cal. Don't remember the prices for blonde and black hash for some reason.
Edit: 72-78ish? Edit#2. I wonder if Dana that moved quantities by the bag back in the day is still alive. He showed up at a party at my house with a 35 gallon trash bag of bud, it smelled glorious.

I was wondering if anyone else got any that came from Nam. The Thai sticks about screwed up my Pot days. Hash, yessur! Lots of memories in your post. All we're missing is H-D's and some Gorilla Biscuits.
I was wondering if anyone else got any that came from Nam. The Thai sticks about screwed up my Pot days. Hash, yessur! Lots of memories in your post. All we're missing is H-D's and some Gorilla Biscuits.
Fiddle faddle and screaming yellow zonkers, and grape soda.
Dayum Bruh. Sounds like you got a Nickle Bag for $15.00? A "Lid" where I was we were paying $20.00 (which was a Fat sandwich bag) also 1969 or 1970. We were getting Pounds for $150 to $180. No Damn Comparison to the stuff today (THC was probably 5% back then.) I could tell some stories about transporting and my "Pals".
I wouldn't doubt that I was really getting ripped off. Unfortunately, there apparently wasn't much price competition in 1970 small town/rural Alabama regarding weed, so I guess it was getting ripped off or not being able to get high - I chose the latter.
I wouldn't doubt that I was really getting ripped off. Unfortunately, there apparently wasn't much price competition in 1970 small town/rural Alabama regarding weed, so I guess it was getting ripped off or not being able to get high - I chose the latter.
I do remember, however, that you could get "somewhere" a pound for $200. My brother invested $200 towards that end but he never saw the money again or the pot. So, back to the $15 baggies.
I was wondering if anyone else got any that came from Nam. The Thai sticks about screwed up my Pot days. Hash, yessur! Lots of memories in your post. All we're missing is H-D's and some Gorilla Biscuits.
My friend who died a couple of weeks back grow seed that he said he brought back with him, I did see ty stick up to 82’ish and black and brown hash up to 90’ish . Mom always talking about alcopucogold and Panama red but she was a big fan of cheach and Chong movies.
I bought a pound of colombian for $150 that was like the dregs from a trash bag full of weed and was so full of seeds you could hardly see any weed in the bag
I cleaned it all by hand and got 10oz. of seeds (which I sold for 50 bucks to a guy who said he wanted to start a pot farm in California) and 6 ounces of clean weed which I rolled into joints and sold for a dollar