how much light does a male need

i have a male that i would like to take some pollen from,i have moved him to a bathroom,which has decent natural light,but hes not on a windowsill getting direct light,will this be ok?,and does he need to be on 12/12 still?


Well-Known Member
Go get a 42w CFL from walmart or something and put it a couple inches from the top makin sure not to burn it and ur good. Incandascent light won't work. Just flower it like you would a female, you'll have pollen in a couple weeks.

EDIT: Yes, make sure you keep it on 12/12 or it won't flower.


Well-Known Member
The best thing to do is put your male in flowering for 2 to 3 weeks at 12/12. Then put him back in veg to reveg it. It will still produce the pollen balls and you can cut off a few just to sprinkle some on 1 or 2 budz. While you have it in reveg cut off the stems that grow the pollen balls, that way it won't pollenate the plant. when you want more pollen just wait about every 2 weeks and you'll have what you need when you need. Now this is what I do And it only takes a little more work but not much and its worth it. I tried putting pollen in the freezer and it stays good for about 2 weeks or unless it gets moisture on then you may as well throw it out. I keep a male plant for cross breeding and I have a small room I put the male and female in. I also find that cutting lots of clones help if its just the same strain you want.